Many Are Called, Four Are Chosen

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Many Are Called, Four Are Chosen

"This is too much," Eve said as Clara handed her a cup of Earl Grey.

"What, the tea?" Clara said, surprised.

"No, all this!" Eve exclaimed, gesturing wildly up at the vaulted ceiling. "Magic is real? A building sent me an envelope? I mean, come on!"

"You're only getting a taster of the madness," Clara said, resisting the urge to roll her eyes, "I've got ninjas after me."


Clara nodded.

"It's not just that though, the magic, the sentient building, the... the ninjas," Eve said, warming to her theme, "I already have a job. I hunt terrorists. I took an oath to protect innocent people" -

- "To be a Guardian," Clara said, cutting across her. "It's just the same thing, isn't it?"

"There's only ever one Guardian in the whole world, Eve Baird," Judson said from behind them, making them turn around, "and the Library thinks it should be you."

"DO YOU MIND?" Flynn boomed from behind one of the boards. "I'm trying to solve a murder here."

Judson just shook his head at Clara, before fading into oblivion, making Eve splutter Earl Grey all over herself. Clara handed her a cloth before going over to where Flynn was, careful to keep a distance from him. Ever since she'd sat Eve down, making her a cup of tea, he'd become flamboyantly tetchy, casting Clara crippling glances designed to make her feel guilty over betraying him. But Flynn had a short memory. He hadn't wanted her here either, yet now he was expecting her to side with him against Eve, helping him expel her from the Library. But the Library had invited Eve here, so he didn't have a leg to stand on, least of all with Clara.

"Trying to solve a murder, hmm?" Clara said, raising an eyebrow. "How about a murder attempt?"

"What, you think I can't handle a homicide?" Flynn retorted.

"I'm thinking you're running before you can walk," Clara said, "which means by my book you're heading for a fall."

"Clarify, Clara."

"You can't even work out why these ninjas were trying to kill me," Clara clarified, "so what makes you think you can solve a murder?"

"What, the one in the foyer upstairs?" Eve asked as she came over to them.

"Yes," Flynn said curtly, "and good-bye!"

"So you're saying this Doctor Jonas Sheer" -

- "Shaieeeeerrrrr" -

- "Professor of Archaeology, with five PHDs was killed on your doorstep and you don't have a single lead?" Eve finished, her face disparaging.

"He has a lot of leads," Clara said, turning away, "but he doesn't know which one to follow. Before you came in, he was eeny, meeny, miny, moing it."

"Hey!" Flynn protested. "I have a plethora of possibilities! A cornucopia of clues! I just don't see how they all connect!"

"What painting is that?" Eve sudenly asked, pointing to a print-out pinned to the board.

"The Crown of King Arthur," Clara blurted out before she could stop herself.

At this outburst, Flynn just looked at her as if she'd suggested said they should burn down the Library with him locked inside.

"What!?" Clara demanded, flinging her hands up in front of her. "Don't look at me like that!"

"He was trying to show me something before he died," Flynn said, advancing on her, "and that was the something!"

AND SHE WAS NOT AN ADVENTURE I FLYNN CARSENWhere stories live. Discover now