Part 1: Chapter 2

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So which one is better? Previous way or this way?

"The next alternative universe is processing, please make yourselves comfortable. After this you would make a decision on which you would like."

What's going to be the difference, either way were going to watch the same things. Doesn't matter which way.

"Well, okay," was some of their responses, though there were a majority who hadn't responded at all. She was a projection, it couldn't respond. Although, one would want to know why she said she would answer their questions as much as possible. It was a weird statement, since all they've heard was automatic words.

Even so, there was only one question then and there: What was the next one going to be about?

There were a lot of questioning about the first one. It was quite mysterious to say the least. One thing as well was the teasing Bakugou got. After all, they weren't used to a sentimental Bakugou ranting so sincerely about something other than hero-related things.

They had spoke constantly about it while waiting. "Who do you think it is?" Kirishima asked his best friend, who sat next to him. "How am supposed to know!?" exclaimed Bakugou. Of course, that was a shortened version of what he actually said. "You seem oddly quiet, while deep in thought," commented Tokoyami. He crossed his arms looking calm in the face. "That's true!" The unseen teen laughed.

"Could it be that you have an idea of who it was?" asked a nonchalant Todoroki who didn't seem to care either way. Though, a few thoughts on the matter was springing to life in his head. Unnerving, really.

"Uh!" Uraraka's expression resembled that of a realization. Her lips parted a bit. Iida turned his head to look at his fellow classmate and friend. "What might be the problem?" he asked purely worried.

"Isn't Deku and Bakugou childhood friends!?" exclaimed Uraraka.

Unnerving to think that.

They had gotten an epiphany that they didn't want to be true. "That's... true," Izuku answered hesitantly. It wasn't a suprise as he had been thinking the same thing. Bakugou had the idea as well and the thought low-key troubled him. It rubbed off the wrong way.

"We can't be sure, you know." Kirishima tried to ease the situation. He succeeded in that when the tense atmosphere lowered.

"Let's just watch the next one. We still need to debate on which way is better, right?"

Uraraka nodded, followed by a hesitant one from Midoriya.

The projection had suddenly become more unclear. By the looks of everything moving place to place it was morphing into a bigger projection. There was a rectangular projection that ever-so-slightly became more clear.

Overall, it seemed like a minimized screen; perhaps, that of a cinema.

This earned 'Oh's of excitement as it set some kind of fun atmosphere.

Soon enough everyone was quiet as they wanted to know what was the next one about. Maybe it could've been the next part of the previous one they just watched.

❝ The screen darkened before lighting up once more. The image presenting a picture of a young man with forest green hair. He looked distressed as he observed the area. Sweat dripping down his forehead.

The image changed to a room where the other members of Class 1A were - coincidentally - staring at a screen. ❞

"Isn't this the time we took that villian versus heros test?" asked Mina. "The one from All Might?" asked Kaminari with a bit of suprise. "I think it is," Kirishima answered with bewilderment. Why would they be showing this if it had already happened? Not to mention that it seemed normal to him and most were thinking the same.

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