Our Hearts Need Work

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A/N: Brief smut warning, literally only the first paragraph

15 weeks ago

"Fuck!" Frank screamed as he released into Gerard's hand, his back arching upwards and his eyes snapped shut, near blacking out from the intensity of his orgasm. Sweat glistened over his tattoos and slickened his toned skin. The sight was enough to send Gerard over as well, causing milky smooth liquids to spray out from the both of them. Frank's hole clenched tighter than it ever had before around Gerard's length and the latter groaned at the pulsating sensation. With his remaining strength, Gerard gave one last thrust before bringing his hands to Frank's ankles, which had been tossed over Gerard's shoulders, and gently brought them back down, caressing his hands over the other man's legs all the way up to his thighs and giving them a squeeze. Gerard pulled himself out and rolled over on his back directly next to his boyfriend. He let himself catch his breath, which took a good while, then reached for the cum rag that had been left on his bedside table. Gerard wiped Frank and himself down and threw the filthy cloth somewhere in their room.

"You good, baby?"

"Mhm, yes. So fucking good, Gee." Frank barely managed to rasp out. His voice was raw from the intensity of his screams and moans, and he was panting heavily.

"I'm glad," Gerard chuckled, "I swear we both almost passed out this time."

"I probably will one of these days," Frank smirked, turning into Gerard's side and wrapping an arm around him. He tucked his face into his boyfriend's neck and pressed his nose against Gerard's Adam's apple and breathed his scent in, revealing in the smell of his lover. "If you didn't fuck me so well it wouldn't be a problem."

"Hey," Gerard exclaimed. "You like it that way though." Frank 'hmped' at him and fluttered his eyes shut. Gerard tilted his head away to lay a soft kiss on Frank's hair, and it made the latter's heart swell. Even when they were talking about doing each other, Gerard still found a way to make the moment sweet. Frank sighed into him, and the two started to drift off. Their day had been a lazy one, filled with multiple rounds of pleasuring each other and bingeing on snacks and 80's horror movies. Still, weariness caught up to their youthful bodies and begged to claim them. The younger was almost asleep when Gerard's voice pulled him back into the conscious world.


They had shifted, so Frank's back was against Gerard's chest, and he suppressed a shiver when his boyfriend's breath tickled the back of his neck. "Yeah?"

"I want this." Frank's brow furrowed.

"What do you mean?"

Gerard tugged on Frank's arm, and the other understood the message, swiftly turning on his side to face his lover. Gerard's deep-set eyes held an expression that made Frank's chest warm. He faintly felt his fingers being moved by Gerard's own pair, and he realized the older and entertained them. "I want to fall asleep with you every night until forever. I don't want anything else. Just this. Just you." His voice was so low it was hard to make it out but Frank knew.

Insecurity filled Frank and all the doubt and anxiety that had built up in his fragile heart come out in one singular word.


Gerard only nodded, his silence creating a film to the hair neither of them understood. He knew in his heart Frank was it for him, and he wanted- no, needed some form of a sign that Frank felt equal. Unbeknownst to him, Frank was more than willing to give Gerard everything he had to offer, but his lack of self-confidence still controlled his mind. If Frank gave Gerard the positive reaction he was hoping for, Gerard would begin to plan the event that would truly alter their lives.

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