< Naoki

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Hey Naoki! I have a question, or many questions, can ya answer it?! :Valt

Naoki: of course I can, I am up in the likes of Einstein

Good! Here are the questions! :Valt

When you get out of the shower clean, how does your towel get dirty? :Valt

Which is silent in scent? The S or the C? :Valt

If Cinderella's shoe fit perfectly how did it fall off? :Valt

Can blind people see their dreams? :Valt

Can dead people hear their thoughts? :Valt

Is Oxygen actually poisonous and it takes about 80 years to kill us? :Valt

Are the Ancient Greek statues actually victims of Medusa? :Valt

Is April fools actually on April 2nd and we have been April fooled this whole time? :Valt

Is the reason we have no visitors from the future is because we have no future? :Valt

Who put the alphabet in alphabetical order? :Valt

Does Oxygen make our voice deeper? And does helium bring it back to Normal? :Valt

Does Deja Vu mean you actually died? And you are returning to your last check point? :Valt

When identical twins fight, can they call each other ugly? :Valt

If we can't see air, can fish see water? :Valt

If your parents told you not to take candy from strangers, then what is Halloween? :Valt

Naoki has blocked you

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