My secret

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Draco in his thoughts:

It was a Saturday night I was bored as perusal I couldn't stop thinking about him. Potter, oh potter he does not care about me why would he.

I mean I understand why my father works for the man who KILLED his parents and gave him his stupid scare. I also bullied him and his friends since 1st year. That's no excuse though. I could make it better. By that I mean actually help my father for once. Like the things in the letter from azkaban.

Dear draco,

As you know I'm in azkaban which means I can't help the dark lord anymore. So that means you have take my place for me, because I doubt I'm leaving this place any time soon.

But my dear son I need you to help the dark lord as much as you can so that your mother doesn't end up here to.


God why can't that old git get another follower to do it! Why me?! I didn't even want this stupid dArK mArK! I would change my mind if I knew what was going to happen in the future.

Now we move on to the gryffindor common room.

Harry's thoughts:

Every bloody night is the same. Trying to study with Ron and Hermione but I can never get anything done! And I still wonder why my grades are low? Either way why is malfoy in my mind! Like honestly he a stuck up git! What makes him so sPeCiAl apart from his dark mark. Which is understandable for the bullying he gets now from others. Since ya know he's a DEATH EATER now.

3rd person

"Ron, Hermione I'm going to walk around the castle for a bit."

Neither answer to edalged to even notice harry leaving.

Little did harry know malfoy had the exact some thought except he didn't tell anyone where he was going he knew no one would notice or care apart from blaise and mabey pansy depending on when he comes back.

The two boys walk through the echoy and clear halls being careful not to run into filch the care taker.

Harry was the first person to get to the lake. He sat down taking in the peaceful and quiet atmosphere. Trying to relax he feels like he could pass out. But he suddenly awakes his drifting to a snap of a branch. He brushed it of as his adrenaline got higher from fear trying to calm down.

Dracos p.o.v

I may as well go to the lake. It's the only place far enough from the school not to get noticed by any teacher's. It's so much more quiet and scary when you're alone walking through here. I never noticed that.

Wait is that-
No it can't be-

Breaks the twig

Shit shit shit-
Ok I don't think he saw me. But what is potter doing here all alone? Where is weasley and mud blood? There always together?

I just wanted to relax out here on my own! I don't need scare head in the way!


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