some FUN in the bedroom.

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3rd person

After the conversation with ginny harry had been doubtful about everyone now. Draco always reassured him though the best he could.

It was cold that night in the gryffindor common room's. Draco and harry was in Harry's bed trying to stay warm. Everyone else was down in the common room by the fire and studying. The two wanted to be alone for awhile they hadn't been able to see or talk to each other properly for about three days.

Sitting there was nice and warm but I think draco had other plans in mind.

"Hey harry"


Not really bothered at this point with actual replies.

"I was thinking why don't we have a but of fun?"

Harry's face went completely red at this.

"You don't have to if you don't want to it's just a suggestion!"

"I didn't say no."

Draco chuckles a little before kissing harry with passion and lust. Harry gave back the same. They start making out toughngs colliding in sink with one another. They part for a moment.

They start undressing. Get back in the bed and make out once more. This time draco started leaving a trail of marks down Harry's body. Harry did the same once draco had finished and admired his master piece in all its glory.

Harry left his mark on draco. Harry was to tired to top so draco did. Draco moved in slowly trying not to hurt harry.

Harry's breath hitched. Draco asked if he was ok and good to move. Harry nodded.

Draco went faster from the noises coming out of Harry's mouth loving every second of it. Harry got tighter around draco making draco grunt at the feeling.

There breaths got faster as they were both so close to the edge. Until they let loose. Breathing heavily draco collapsed on top of harry. There breathing slowed down after a few minutes.

"I think you broke this bed?"

Harry looked underneath seeing two broken pieces of wood.

"Yup you did."


Draco shrugged his shoulders. They both laugh falling asleep in each other's arms in there warm embrace.

The next morning harry wakes up to draco underneath him and harry on top.

Ok that's weird. Harry thought. He looked for his glasses put them on and saw everyone was still asleep and him and draco was still naked. He put on something more comfortable. He tried to walk down stairs but the pain in his backside was making it more difficult than anticipated.

He saw Hermione sitting there with a book in her hands.

"Morning Hermione."

"Oh hello harry! Good morning. You're up early it's only seven?"

"Oh I didn't notice. How long have you been up?"

"Not very long about half an hour?"

They sat there chatting for a while as everyone came down one at a time.

They all got dressed and headed down to the great hall. Harry and draco said goodbye to each other and moved swiftly to there seates.

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