What they're like as boyfriends

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What they're like as boyfriend


-You rest your hands on his arm while his hands are in his pockets
-Playfully pats you on your head
-Stares at your ass
-Pretends he is listening when you nag at him
-He's the jealous type but would never show it
-Will make you tea when you're sad


-Holds your hand
-Caresses your cheeks
-Gives you warm smiles when your eyes meet
-He's afraid of upsetting you so he's always apologizing
-He isn't the jealous type, he has a lot of trust in you
-Will hold you when you're sad


-He rests his arm around your shoulders
-Randomly tickles you
-Likes checking you out
-You two have petty arguments but make up quickly after
-He's the jealous type and will show it
-Will play with your hair while listening to you vent


-Likes having his arms around your waist
-Gives you random sweet kisses
-Stares at your boobs and ass
-You two barely argue but when you do he takes awhile to apologize
-He's definitely the jealous type and will scare any guy off
-He will always try to find the source of your sadness and fix it


-Places his hand on your back
-Will randomly tell you you're beautiful
-He checks you out but is very subtle about it
-You two have never fought
-He is the jealous type but keeps it to himself
-Holds your hands when you're sad

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