When you want their attention

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When you want their attention


-Literally as soon as he walks in the door you throw yourself at him
-You're always missing him
-He would never turn you down
-He would pop a wine bottle open or make some tea while you guys chat
-Zeke gives you his undivided attention and likes to listen to you talk about your day and any funny stories or gossip you may have
-He doesn't like to talk about his day since it consists of scheming and all the other negative stuff he does
-He likes to just come home and forget about it for a bit whenever he's with you


-He is also busy a lot with training and when he's not training, he's with his brother, friends or fellow comrades
-He usually notices when you want attention when you kinda stand in a corner patiently while playing with your hair or twiddling your thumbs
-He will take note of it and excuse himself for a minute to go to you
-He will wrap his arms around you and give you a forehead kiss, then ask you what you want to do later whenever you two can be alone
-When you two are alone, he's always touching you in some way, so you know he's there and that you have his attention


-You definitely have to make it obvious when you want attention from Porco
-Like I mentioned before, Porco takes pleasure in watching you try to get his attention
-He will play hard to get for a little just to tease you
-Its usually when you decide to give up when he finally pulls you to him
-He will kiss you and turn into a super softy towards you, making all the begging totally worth it
-You're always like "Why are you so mean?" And he says "Because you're adorable when you want me"


-When you want Reiners attention you usually just bat your eyes at him
-He always chuckles and thinks its cute
-He also likes to tease you a little because he seriously loves when you pout your lips at him
-Reiner will pull you on his lap while you give him needy kisses
-You sometimes talk him out of things he has to do and convince him to stay and cuddle
-No matter how hard of a day he has, he will always give you his full attention when you ask for it


-If you want attention you kinda just have to be blunt with it
-Bertholdt sucks when it comes to understanding females
-He would be a little awkward and bashful like "What do you want to do?" And you'd be like "Just hold me for a bit"
-He will cuddle you until you tell him to stop
-You purposely ask him things like "What do you even like about me?" Just to hear his whole list of things that he admires about you
-You love fishing for compliments because he gives the best praises

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