How they ask you out

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How they ask you out


-You guys started out as friends with benefits
-That was kind of Zekes style
-But the two of you had fallen in love with each other rather quickly
-You were the one who asked him to be exclusive but he rejected you because he didn't want you to feel too attached to him
-You were stubborn though. You needed Zeke in your life, even if it was for the short time he had left and it took a lot of convincing
-Eventually he caved in, he just wanted to make you happy, no matter what it took
-Zeke sometimes felt like he didn't deserve your love but you constantly reassure him


-It was love at first sight for Colt
-You didn't know he loved you at first; you assumed he just had anxiety around women
-He kept making excuses to see you and eventually confessed his love to you
-But he didn't ask you to be his because he didn't want to put you through the hardships of his fate
-You fell in love with his kindness and gentle nature
-You told Colt you didn't care, that you liked to live your life in the present, not future and it honestly did not take much convincing
-Colt wanted to be the best boyfriend he could and he very much succeeded


-Porco had a little crush on you at first but didn't fall in love with you until later on
-You guys had a friendship first, which you sought out because Porco made you feel safe
-You always listened to his rants and gave him advice, which he always took because he valued your opinion
-After getting to know you, Porco fell in love but did a good job at hiding it
-One day he let his emotions get the best of him and randomly kissed you, exposing his true feelings for you
-You were shocked but kissed him back which also shocked Porco himself
-Without really having the "official talk" you two just became a item


-Reiner was attracted to you from the start and it grew into love each day you guys spent together
-He tried to play it cool at first but couldn't resist you
-Reiner was hesitant at first but ended up confessing pretty quickly and you accepted
-He felt comfortable around you because he had nothing to hide since he told you everything about his past
-So since you guys already established everything prior, you two had a very healthy relationship
-You're the only one Reiner can really talk to without feeling judged, so he felt as if he found his perfect soulmate


-You had always been in love with Bertholdt but it took awhile for the feeling to become mutual
-You acknowledged that and waited for the right time before asking him
-You grew a little impatient and eventually told him your true feelings
-Bertholdt was taken by surprise and left you hanging for a few days but after thinking things through and coming to the conclusion of his own feelings towards you, he accepted your offer
-It definitely took some getting use to, having a pretty girl like you be affectionate towards him but he did enjoy it very much

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