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Authors Note: This is a story. Keep that in mind. The chances of this happening are unlikely and this has never happened to anyone I know or me in real life. This is simply a story that I've had in mind. Also, I support LGBT+, it is simply the characters that are prejudice against them. 

"So who's the next person?" East asks as he sharpens and cleans his dagger.

"James's husband. Show him he's to stop getting up our asses." Felix responds, not blinking an eye. 

Felix and East worked together in Mafia 365, one of the biggest mafia groups running. Felix is a hacker, getting all kinds of necessary information to track people down.  East, on the other hand, was a torturer, best known for throwing a dagger to slit throats. 

Now, James? He was one of the well known government agents best at tracking down Mafia Gangs. For the last few months, James has been on Mafia 365's tail, even capturing some of the groups best members. 

Now? Mafia Gang 365 was going to show James who was boss, and to never mess with them. 

East blinked, "husband?" Felix nodded his head. 

"Yeah, husband. Son of a bitch is gay, that's what he is." Felix let out a cackle and went back to working on the computer. "Silas will call you when the victims ready. Now shut the fuck up, I'm working on hacking a database." His eyes zoomed back onto the computer screen and Felix went back to typing furiously.

East rolled his eyes and went back to cleaning his daggers. East had joined Mafia Gang 365 after graduating high school. His Uncle was apart of the Mafia and had told him it would be a lot of fun to join. East had been young and reckless at the time and thought the Mafia was the perfect place to go. He was wrong. Unlike the others in the business, East saw what he did as ruthless and violent. It killed him to throw daggers at people. He had striking aim and could murder a row of people with his eyes closed, but he much rather preferred to aim on logs and already dead animals. Now? It was too late to step out of the business. 

The door to their right swung open and Silas glided in. Silas was Mafia 365's boss. He was in charge of target searching. He was known as the top chaser, best known for climbing buildings and running for hours on end.  

"East." Silas calls out. "He's ready." Silas handed an earpiece to him. "Put this on. I'll give you instructions." 

As East was putting the ear piece on, his body began to go numb, something that always happened when he was called in to kill another person. 

"Ready?" Alaric smacked East near the thigh and handed him his daggers. "I even got your sharp one." Alaric flashed a malicious smile, leaned closer into East and murmured, "Go kill that bitch for me." East could only reply with a stiff nod and glance over his shoulder before he began the treacherous walk over to  the waiting room.

The waiting room was the room in which targets waited. Sometimes targets were simply disorientated, whilst most times targets were close to death and when East walked in, they begged him to put them out of their misery. 

As East turned the oh-so familiar corners towards the waiting room, glances were shot his way, and whispering was made. East raised his head and tried to walk with more confidence, but anyone from a mile's radius could tell he was shaking in nervousness. 

When he was only a corner away from the waiting room, he could already smell the blood and peeled off paints and could hear the whimpers and cries. East took a deep breath and pressed on his earpiece. 

"I'm here. Who's on?" East heard restless movements on the other side before Silas's voice filled his ears. 

"Silas here. You at the door?" 

"A corner away, what did you do to the guy, he's whimpering and shit." East forced out a laugh that echoed eerily through the now empty hallways. 

"Not much, dude's a pussy. I thought he would be more prepared, being James's husband, but when I captured him he didn't even try to resist. He just looked at me and was all confused. Gay dude probably thought I was hitting on him." Theres static before Silas continues. "But he was annoying me and kept begging and begging for me to free him, so I punched him square in the guts and tied him to the chair. This death should be quick, nothing petty or too over. Simple slash to the throat. It's all up to you." 

"Got it. I'm going in now. Over." East disconnected himself and took the last few agonizing steps towards the door and used the scan to walk in. 

The person was facing away from East, but as soon as he heard the metal clank of the door dislodging and opening, he desperately tried to crane his neck to look over his shoulder. This must've caused too much pain because he let out a whimper and then crumpled into the chair. 

East put on his best impression of Silas and confidently walked forward, his dagger in his hand. He never brought more than one, for he was trained to kill on the first shot. 

"Who is it?" The person whimpered. The voice sounded familiar but East kept his composure. East loosened his grip on the dagger and walked comfortable forward. 

"Jack." East responded. Jack was his real name, and he always used that instead of the name East. He couldn't bear saying that name out loud. A name he so despised and loathed. 

"Jack? Jackie? Is that your voice?" A cough and the person vomited on the ground. "Do you remember me?" East began to ponder, his heart beating faster. This could only be one person and he prayed to the Gods that it wasn't him. "Jackie, it's Jax. Tell me, what's going on?" East walks forward and sees the face of the target. The guy that'll be dead in ten minutes. Jax Weir. 

Jax Weir was East's first and only boyfriend. He'd never told anyone about their little fling, or even his sexuality, but most of the school had suspected it. Jax and East had started going out in 12th grade but broke up when East cheated on Jax with a girl. And after that? Jax was never heard from again. They never kept contact after high school, but many times, East caught himself wondering what his life would be like if he didn't cheat on Jax and married him instead. It was too late to find out. 

"Jackie-" Jax now had a full view of East and he gasped in disbelief. "Jackie? Tell me, what's going on? Someone tried to kidnap me and then I'm knocked out cold. What's going on?" Jax pulls at his restraints. "Whats going on? You remember me, right?" 

There's a slight buzzing in East's ear. Incoming call. Hesitantly, East connects. 

"East, what the hell is going on? The guy knows you?" This time, it's not Silas talking, its Alaric. "Whatever, just kill him, just do it. Don't stay attached. Silas and I are watching. Just do it." The call ends and East is forced back into reality. 

"Jackie, are you listening?" Jax asks, tears forming around the corner of his eyelids. "Whats going on?" East's shoulders tense and he raises his dagger and holds it in-between his eyes. He inspects it like he always does. Like usual, it's cleaned, not a single speck of blood on the tip. 

East rolls his head and for the first time since their encounter, looks Jax in the eyes. Jax seems to be piecing together what's about to happen, because his confused expression changes to fear. East throws his shoulder back and closes an eye.

"Jackie- Jackie? Please-" The dagger hits its target. 

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