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Papa and I enter his comfy work room. It is my first time in here, but it is magnificent. The walls are covered in a soothing blue and there are couches everywhere. Papa sits at the front desk and then motions for me to sit aside him. 

"Come sit." Papa pats the leather couch next to him. I scurry over and sit down. I scan my clipboard, excited and grateful to have this opportunity to work with Papa. "Are you excited, Tara?" Papa pinches my cheek. 

"Yes, I'm very excited, I can't believe I really get to work here." I marvel. I scan the paper and continue, "Papa, who is the patient coming in today? I don't have the name on my clipboard..." I frown and look over Papa's shoulder. 

"Oh, yes! I completely forgot. Give me a moment..." Papa reaches underneath his desk and takes out a folder from a box titled 'Classified.' Papa grins and then shoves the folder towards me. "Tobias Park. Go read all about him." Papa turns away and begins to type on his computer. 

I do as told, scanning the paper of basic information I should know about this 'Tobias Park.' From the folder Papa gave me, I find out that Tobias is a little older than me, 19 years old. Ever since Tobias's mother died, he began to develop anger issues and severe depression. Currently, he lives in foster care. Slowly, I begin to create a basic image of who this 'Tobias' is. 

"Papa, I'm ready. Is he almost here?" I ask, resting my head on his shoulder. As Papa is about to check the time, we hear a sharp knock on the door. 

"Theo?" A gruff voice calls out Papa's name. "Its Tobias, I'm here. Can I come in?" 

Papa quickly shoves away his papers and bellows, "Yes!" In enters Tobias Park. 

Tobias has porcelain skin and striking green eyes. His brown hair is ruffled and it looks like he spiked up some hair with greasy gel. His green eyes have a sad tint to them, and his eyes droop like a sad puppy. He's wearing hand me down overalls and a Coca Cola t-shirt. He look as if he once had a buff figure, but he's definitely more slimmed down now. His walk towards Papa and I is slow and sluggish, but there is no denial that it was once speedy and quick. 

As I'm examining Tobias, he seems to be examining me also. His eyes slightly narrow and begin to spiral around the room, as if he is full of questions. 

"Shouldn't this be one on one time?" Tobias asks, ice behind his words. "Who is she?" Papa simply waves his hand in the air, as if dismissing Tobias's question. 

"Oh, she's my daughter, Tara. She wants to follow in my footsteps and become a psychologist also. She's taking notes for me. But don't worry, it's all confidential." Papa winks at me and then looks at the clipboard. "Now, uh, Tara?"

"Yes," I squeak.

"Would you like to start with the basic questions?" Papa squeezes my shoulder, reassuring that it's alright. I give a small nod and look Tobias in the eyes. 

"Uh, Tobias. How has it been?" I say, reading the questions off of the clipboard. 

"It's been okay." Tobias responds glumly. 

"Have you been taking your meds?" He nods. "Do you have any questions for Pa- Theo?" He shakes his head. I ask a few more questions, getting the same head shake or nod. After awhile, there are no more questions to ask, so I give Papa a nod and he begins to talk with Tobias. 

As Tobias and Papa exchange words, I can't help but stare at Tobias. There's no doubt that those sad droopy eyes were once bright and glistening. 

I felt so bad that his Mother died. I wanted to comfort him, say my condolences, tell him that he was worth it. He doesn't look like he has anger issues, but like Papa said, you can never be too sure of a persons colors until you really know them. 

Towards the end of Tobias's session, Papa stands up.

"Now Tobias, I need to head over to the bathroom, so it'll just be Tara and you in this room. Are you okay with that?" Papa asks both of us sternly. Tobias shrugs and lays back on the couch. I look at Papa, clearly alarmed at this suggestion he has made. I am about to protest, but he is already up and out of the room. 

The door closes and it is just Tobias and me. He's fiddling with his overalls and I'm examining him from afar. 

"Can I help you?" Tobias snarls, aware that I've been staring at him. "What, never seen a boy who's had shit happen to them?" Tobias asks, daring me to answer him. 

"No, I'm just," I take a deep breath and say the next sentence very quickly. "I'msorryaboutyourMotherandyourcurrentsituation." Uh oh. A mistake to mention that. Tobias glares at me and then stands up, making his way to where I'm sitting. 

"My Mom?" Tobias towers over me, scowling. "How do you know about her." He spat. Frightened, I look at the door. When will Papa come back? This is getting scary. "I said, how do you know about my Mom." Tobias repeats, glowering at me in disgust. 

"Well- you see... I- no- Papa- no, uh... Theo showed me your file so I-" Tobias clenches his fists. 

"He showed personal information?" Tobias snapped. 

"Well, uh- you see..." I stand up and press my back against the wall. Tobias takes a step closer to me, his chin at my forehead. 


"I'm sorry... I didn't think it was that bad, I didn't think you would be so offended. I thought-" Tobias clenches his fist and throws a punch square at my eyes. I stumble back, slamming my head into the picture frame behind me. Now I see where the anger issues part of that document comes in.

"I hate you folks." Tobias retorts. "I hate that you feel so bad for lesser folks like me. You haven't gone through shit. I hate how you folks think this therapy shit is really helping me." Tobias gasps for breath and then continues, "I hate your pity too." 

He throws another punch, this time at my stomach. I let out a high pitched moan and crumple to the ground, holding my head. Tobias lets out all his anger by stamping and kicking around. I don't know what to do. Where is Papa? What is taking him so long? He throws one last punch at me, hitting me on the side of my head. 

Tobias squats down to eye level with me and puts his hands in his overall pockets. "Now do you know what it feels like? What the pain I go through is like?" Tobias lets out a delirious laugh and stands up. He grabs the things he came in here with and spits on the ground. "Save your pity for yourself." He shoves the door open and heads out. 

I stay there on the ground, motionless. I was only trying to help, why did I end up like this? I wait for Papa to come. It seems like forever. When will he come? I'm laying on the ground, whimpering in pain. Papa was right, never trust anyone unless they show their true colors. I can only really trust him. Tears fall to the ground as I struggle to get up. 

Never will I try to help others. I'll only trust Papa and what he does. Only Papa. Only him. 

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