one hell of an encounter (pt. 2)

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I'm woken up by several punches aimed at my right shoulder. I heard a familiar voice screaming into my ear.

"Nora. Nora! NORA!" I looked down and spotted Leo scrambling out from underneath my legs. Unaware of the situation, I sit up, pressing my knees against my breasts.

"What the fuck Leo? What are you doing underneath my ass? Pervert." I rolled my eyes and shifted my body to one side, about to fall asleep again. But Leo wouldn't let me rest.

"I should be asking you! Why the fuck are you in the passenger seat! I woke up and your ugly ass heels were stabbing into my spine!" Leo snapped as he managed to settle himself in the driving seat. After calming down, he continued, "And damn Nora, your drunk ass drove us successfully to MetLife? Part of me hoped we would crash." I opened my eyes and stared at Leo in confusion.

"What the hell do you mean?" I grumbled. My head was throbbing, so I said, "I drank way too much, I'm still trying to recover."

"I mean, look around!" Leo said, clearly frustrated at me. I did as told and realized that we were, in fact, at the MetLife Stadium. "Now, tell me, how was the drive and what happened after I passed out?" Leo questioned.

"I..." I stared at the car roof, trying to remember what had happened last night. "...I remember picking up some guys-" Leo narrowed his eyes. "-What Leo?"

"Nora, why the fuck did you pick up some guys?"

"They were stranded and there gas was broken, but that's not the important-" Again, I was cut off by Leo.

"You could've picked up murderers! Robbers! Rapists! We both would've died!" Leo yelled. All of a sudden, this car we had been traveling in seemed smaller.

"Okay and... they weren't murderers or robbers or rapists!" I spat, clearly irritated now. "Can I get back to my fucking story?" Leo was about to protest but I continued in a falsely cheerful voice, "And they needed help and were also going to MetLife, probably other BTS fans, so I was like, ok, cool, we can all go to MetLife together." At this, Leo slapped himself hard on the forehead.

"Nora, sometimes I just don't get-" It was my turn to cut him off now.

"And so, they seemed trustworthy and I was starting to like sleep or something, so I gave my keys to one dude and fell asleep." I concluded, as if it was a totally normal story. Leo just gawked at me in disbelief. 

"You did not." He said.

"Yes I did."

"You dirty little, slutty, troublemaker ass-" Leo rambled on and on but I stopped listening. I reached for my phone and checked the time. We had about 6 hours until the actual concert check in, so I figured we'd be in this car for awhile. I checked my phone and was about to reply to a friends text message when my phone buzzed. 

Storage full, My phone said. Annoyed, I went to check my photos gallery. Over 3,000 pictures. That must explain it. I began to delete, starting from most recent photos, when I spotted a few unfamiliar faces in the photos. These must be the desperate guys from yesterday, I concluded. I pressed the pictures and squinted to get a closer look at them. 

In the picture, it was a drunken looking me and BTS. 

"No fucking way." I gasped. Leo looked over my shoulder and let out a squeal. 

In the picture, Jin was in the drivers seat and the others were squished in the back, all puffy faced, tired, and Jimin was even crying. Were they the desperate strangers I had picked up from the side of the street?

"Nora, what the fuck? You met BTS? Without me? Bitch, what the actual fuck, explain please." Leo growled, his temper rising again. I bit my lip and pressed my pointer fingers together. 

"You see, I don't know where to begin with this..."

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