Chapter 9

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Jemma's POV

It's Monday morning and as I enter the school parking lot I notice Zuri waiting for me. I didn't even get to text her the past weekend as I was so busy with Alessandro. We had a beautiful weekend, my husband went all out for me. Everything he did was just out of this world, him booking off the restaurant the whole night for just the two of us was everything except for my drunkenness but my weekend was amazing.

I exit and lock the car and send Alessandro a text that I am at school, safe and sound and will talk to him later ending it with an I love you. He responds immediately with an I love you too angel and later. I approach Zuri and hug her apologizing for ignoring her the whole weekend. " I know you are angry with me for ignoring you but I was busy with Alessandro and there was no time for me to hold my phone the whole weekend plus I got drunk Saturday night" I tell her.

She hugs me back and says to me "Jem Jem, I get that you are married it's just hard for me to loose my best friend , I am used to texting you all the time but I know things won't be the same from now on and I understand but it's hard." She is right though I am so focused on Alessandro that I am ignoring my friends and family and I reply to her "Please forgive me , it won't happen again." She smiles at me and we hug each other , all is forgiven between us. Zuri can't hold grudges and that's one of the reasons why I love her.

As we head to school she turns to me, " Jem Jem I am having a party this  Saturday and it's going to be lit. You have to be there please please please." My heart sinks at that, a party where there will be boys and lots and lots of alcohol oh no. Alessandro will never allow that but I have been ignoring my best friend for him so I deserve to spend time with my bestie.

The question is how do I approach this subject with him. I can't keep on disappointing my bestie and putting her on the shelf just because I am married. So I turn to her and jump up and down  and squeal " yes yes yes, I will come." I know this is going to cause world war 3 when I get home and tell him but I really want to go to this party.

We walk together to first period and as usual we sit at the front. Zuri starts telling me about her plans for the party and I half listen to her. I am worried about how this is going to go down because honestly speaking I don't see Alessandro letting me go to this party. 

By the time the bell rings signaling last period, I am a nervous wreck. I am happy school is over but then again I have to go home. I can bribe him and do something nice for him like go and surprise him at his office or cook a nice dinner for us. The dinner for two idea wins and as I enter my car I head towards the grocery store instead of home.

I get home after my grocery store trip and put my dinner things on the table. I quickly take a shower and change into shots then return to the massive kitchen. The design and decor of the whole house is white and gray. I have added my own touch to the house instead of just white and gray there are pinks and blues here and there. It's my home and I need to feel comfortable and at home

I start chopping and peeling listening to music and I don't even realize that it's 5 pm already. I hear a " mhhmmm, I like what I see" coming from Alessandro and I scream. He scared me because I was not expecting him at all but looking at the clock I see that it's already 5 pm and he usually comes home this time.

I run towards him and jump into his arms putting my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. " You scared me daddy, I was not expecting you so soon" and then I kiss him. He kisses me back fiercely and after some few minutes we come up for air and he kisses my forehead. "I usually come back this time angel, I can see you are busy cooking. I hired all these people to help with the mundane stuff so that you can concentrate on your school work not kitchen duties" he admonishes me softly.

"I know daddy but I wanted to make us dinner, just to do something nice for you after the amazing weekend we had together. Plus I am free I did my homework already at school during free period." He just smiles and I can see that I surprised him. I know for sure many people don't do nice things for him because he has all the money in the world so the fact that I took my time to cook just for him makes him very happy.

I untangle myself from his arms and say to him" dinner will be ready in 30 minuets, go and take a shower, change into something casual then come back downstairs." I peck him on the lips and push  him towards the doorway and he chuckles softly. Chuckles and smiles are a rare thing for Alessandro so when he does laugh or smile it makes me happy. He leaves the kitchen and I continue with my cooking.

After 30 minutes I have set a table for two on the balcony overlooking the pool and massive garden. There are candles all over and I put red rose petals on the floor all around us to make it more intimate and romantic, it's touché but I don't care. I stand at the bottom of the stairs and call to notify Alessandro that dinner is ready. He comes down wearing shots and a white muscle hugger shirt, must I say he looks delicious.

Alessandro has a physique of a model, he is huge and tall and has muscles all in the right places. He has an 8 pack ( yes believe me) and a V shaped torso that drives me crazy. He has the most amazing green eyes I've ever seen and his smile, it's like nothing I have ever seen.He is gorgeous and he knows it. He looks so good in those shots plus he is barefoot.

The insecurities start creeping in: How can a man this gorgeous love someone like me? I am just a normal 18 year old girl with nothing special but here I am married to the sexiest man in the world according to GQ magazine. How did I get so lucky...

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