Chapter 29

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Jemma's POV

I am still shocked and trying to process the fact that someone gate crashed our wedding but now another bomb on top of this? Alessandro is married!!! He has a wife!!! A wife I didn't know!!! How??? Somebody make it make sense please!

I look at my husband ( or somebody's husband at this moment) "Alessandro who is this? And why is she claiming to be your wife?". The lady in question didn't even wait for Alessandro to answer that question , she didn't even waste time as she turns and says to me " I am Theresa, Theresa Tetrazzini, the current Mrs Tetrazzini," she says this smugly, like a cat who just got its milk.

"So I guess he didn't let you in that little fact honey, oops I am sorry." She says this with a smirk on her face. I look at my husband and for first time in my life he looks dumbfounded and out of words. He just looks at me and says nothing. "Alessandro talk to me, explain this please... what is happening? Who is this woman claiming to be your wife?" I am being hysterical right know but I can't help it.

"Let me break it to you honey, I am your husband's wife. I am married to him therefore you cannot be married to him. I met Alessandro 15 years ago, fell in love with him. He has always been a cold man but then I figured that I loved him enough to care about that minor detail, we dated for about 2 years and u must say everything was perfect," She says.

"Well as perfect as they can get dating a busy mogul man like him. I used to see him a few times in a month and I was okay with it. I had my own apartment and he had his own place of course and we were happy. He was not in love with me, that much I knew from the start and he told me right from the beginning but me being naive thought he would change."

"He had a weird fascination with one of his colleague's daughters. When I met him he was like that so I didn't think much of it. He would go and visit her during the weekends and bought her stuff... he put her first in everything. I had no say in that and I accepted it. I started pressuring him about marriage saying we needed to get married, he needed a strong woman like me in his life as his wife."

" He finally relented and 6 months later after 2 and half years of dating we got married (secretly though, no one knew not even his colleagues or family) and not in a grand manner like this of course. I moved into his mansion and we settled together as a couple or so I thought. He started bringing the little brat to our home. He would drop everything to attend to her. If she was sick the world stopped and he ran to make sure she gets the best medical care."

"He would drop whatever he was doing even if it's a trip abroad, just to come back and attend to her. I didn't complain at first, I mean I was his wife and she was just a 3 year old child who was not even his child. Things got worse and by the time she turned 5 years I hardly saw my husband anymore. Her doodles and every crap she made at kindergarten was in our house, on the refrigerator all over and I just couldn't take it anymore"

"He had several pictures of her framed and were on full display in his office and guess what, there were none of me...his wife. He just loved her and nobody could explain it and the feeling was reciprocal. The little girl worshipped Alessandro and she would sometimes throw tantrums and Alessandro had to drop everything just to go and calm her. I asked him if we could start trying for a baby and he flat out refused and said he already has a baby and that crushed me as a woman and as his wife."

"The final straw happened when we were supposed to go celebrate our second wedding anniversary and the trip got cancelled because his brat had measles and I sometimes wonder if she planned it. I put my foot down and gave him an ultimatum to choose between me or his brat. He didn't even bat an eyelash when he chose the brat. He told me straight right then and there that she would always come first and if I can't accept it, I must leave.

" I thought he was joking when he said that, only to find out he wasn't. So I left and spent the night at the hotel, one night turned into 7 days waiting for him to come to his senses and he didn't. I swallowed my pride and contacted him first begging him to choose me. He told me that if I can't accept what Jemma meant to him then I can stay at the hotel and have the help pack my things for me. He told me to never return as he made a big mistake marrying me.

" He chose her instead of our marriage" she says this wistfully. I found out I was pregnant 7 weeks later and I went to visit him at his office. He told me that he would support the child financially of course but it was my responsibility to raise the child as my own because he is already pre-occupied with raising Jemma . He refused my child and I honestly thought he will take me back as I was pregnant. I suffered a miscarriage a month later as I was depressed and was not taking care of myself properly ",she says this with tears in her eyes.

I take a hard look at the man I thought I knew completely as my heart shattered into a million pieces, he didn't tell me that he was married. So this means our marriage is a lie, it doesn't exist. How did we get a marriage certificate if he was married, it just doesn't make sense. He refused his own child to raise me, how can I love a cruel man like that? How can I trust him after this...

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