unexpected surprise

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Davids pov

I threw myself on to my back after separating from Gwen. I panted heavily with the biggest grin on my face. Golly, I never felt better. Nothing could ruin this. I looked back over to Gwen. She was still panting and her eyes glimmered with satisfaction.

She opened her mouth. "David, that was amazing." She uttered obviously drained of energy. My heart raced. "Really? I was good for my first ti-" I wanted to cut myself off there but just looked away. Gwen chortled. "Yeah." She smiled.

Gwen and I have been together for a few months now. It's been so gosh darn great! I look past the blinds of the counselors cabin to make sure none of the campers were around. I smiled. "well I'm pooped." I spewed. Gwen nodded as she was too. "Goodnight.." I said. Gwen yawned. "goodnight David~" she kissed my cheek.

Later.. Gwen's pov

It was about 4am my eyes fluttered open. After a few moments a thought rushed into my head.
He wasn't...I wasn't..shit..did he have one on? I don't think he did..
My heart raced at this. What if I'm..no! Can't be..I won't be. But what if... I shook my head. "it's fine" I whispered to myself. I saw David sleeping soundly next to me. It immediately cheered me up, like all my worries melted away at the sight of him.

"Pine...Birch.." the man whispered tree names between small snores. Ever since we've slept in the same bed he never had that stupid log. It's truly cute he just needed something to hold, that something was now me. Gwen smirked all cocky.

She layed back down, and was still left wondering...the big question..

Am I going to get Pregnant?

Gwen sweat a bit at these thoughts. They admittedly got caught in the moment. They've both been waiting for it for a while.
Gwen face palmed.
I'm sure it's fine
She thought.

Later David's pov

I had just gotten up and finished getting ready. Boy, nothing could ruin the mood I was in. I saw Gwen, she looked.. anxious. I frowned.

"Gwen?..." I put my hand on her shoulder. "is everything okay?"

Gwen flinched a bit. "David! Uh..yeah! It's perfect." She nodded. My eyebrows raised up. "oh? Okay!" I then beamed at her. She seemed to smile back. I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. Gwen chuckled. "You're so dumb " she blushed. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

A little while after that, we were starting the activities with the campers. Harrison was trying to hold the bow and arrow correctly. "Like this.." I gave him a hand. I stood up and watched him fire it. "hey look! At least you hit it this time!" Max laughed. Harrison rolled his eyes. "maaaxx...be nice" I scolded him. Gwen seemed more quite..she was reading a magazine but kept looking away from it. She seemed nervous..I felt bad. Dolph then tripped over and hurt his knee. "ow!" He whimpered. I gasped. "Dolph? You okay?...here" I grabbed a band-aid and put it on his knee. "there.." I smiled. Dolph  beamed and got back up.

Meanwhile Gwen's pov

I was surely terrified. I could be pregnant...me and David could be having a baby. Should I say something? No way..he'd be so disappointed in me. Maybe hate me! I have to find out myself..I'll wait a few more days. I thought.

David glanced towards me. He smiled sheepishly. I gulped.
"Hey hon, what's wrong..you're awfully reserved today" he tilted his head. I laughed. "what do ya mean? I'm okay!" I cringed. "Hmm..why do I a gosh darn hard time believing that?" He leaned closer to me. I bit my lip and back into a tree. "David Seriously! I'm okay. Don't you worry your handsome little head about anything!" I said more cheery than I would normally. David definitely knew something was off. I knew I was thinking irrationally about what he'd think but how am I truly supposed to know what David would do? He is actually unpredictable at times, but he's so caring! He would never be...mad?

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