a dream come true

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David sighed as he sat at one of the mess hall tables. He observed Gwen as she passed by him. His eyes locked on her. After a long time, he finally came to turns with the fact he had a HUGE crush on his Co-worker. Like really huge...

But, the one thought that kept him from letting her know this..is what if she doesn't feel the same? Can he really go through another heart break?

David let the idea of confessing his feelings slip away slowly, his confidence surely draining as time goes on. His posture became lazy and he frowned. Bottling up this feelings can't be good either.

"David?" A voice that made David shoot up in proper posture was heard.

David smiled "oh Gwen! Yes?" He looked at the woman with listening intent.

"Wanna help me with the kids? It's about time we get them set for bed." She told him. David blinked, he seemed to be lost in a daze, just admiring her entire essence..every inch of her made David absolutely CRAZY, but it's the good kind of crazy, the kind of crazy..some would call love. It really is a crazy thing.

David shook his head and snapped out of it. "O-oh! Of course Gwen! You can count on me!" He happily swung his arm and stood up.
David followed Gwen out of the mess hall.

"Alrighty kiddos. Off to bed!" David uttered. They all groaned. "Now, now, sleep is important." David explained. Max mumbled something under his breath and went off to his tent.

David sighed. "That's the fastest they've ever complied..." David was shocked.
"Yeah, I'm surprised." Gwen raised her eyebrows, then crossed her arms.

David felt a sudden burst of courage stir inside him. "Gwen..can I tell you something?" He then quickly covered his mouth..

Gwen titled her head, her response time was slow as she was kinda tired. "What is it?" She yawned.

"Uh..I...um..you look tried! You should get some sleep!" David beamed. "Don't worry about the mess out here. I'll put everything away!" He nodded. Gwen cringed. "Are you sure you don't want help?" She reached towards the Auburn.

David quickly shook his head. "Yep! Positive!" He gave her a thumbs up. Gwen shrugged and walked to the cabin.

David let out a long sigh. He felt his face heat up. He couldn't stop thinking about Gwen..every thought he had would eventually trace back to her. He bit his lip and started picking up some stuff scattered on the ground.


David finished cleaning up. He glanced up at the beautiful night sky. He smiled, why not enjoy this view at the docks? David strutted over to the docks and sat down, his feet just out of the waters reach.

He smiled gently and admired the stars.

Meanwhile, Gwen was unable to fall asleep. She wondered where her co-counselor was. She got up and looked outside. She was just able to see David sitting at the edge of the dock. She looked left then right for some instinctive reason, then walked his way.

On arrival to the docks, Gwen sat down next to David. "What are you doing still out here?" Gwen asked.

David jumped a bit and gulped. "O-oh it's just you!" He chuckled. "What am I doing out here? Well gee, would ya look at it..?" He gestured up to the sky with his head tilt. Gwen looked at him for a moment then up.
"Huh, I see what you mean" she sighed in content. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" David spoke softly. Gwen nodded. "Sure is." She tapped his fingers on the dock.

Mentally, David was screaming. His heart beat out of his chest..he though she might even hear the pounds of his heart. His face became flustered and red. He fiddled with his ascot.

David shifted his body and as he rested his hand, he realized he had accidentally set it on top of Gwen's. He tensed up a bit.
Oh dear..oh Gosh
Gwen gasped softly and glanced at David. "sorry..sorry!" David  mumbled and pulled his hand away. "It's no big deal, David." She blushed ever so slightly.
David shared a looked with Gwen and kicked his legs nervously.

The man tried to strike up a friendly conversation.
"Do you uh..do you think the campers are warning up to me?" He asked. Gwens eyes widened a bit. "warming up? They've always liked you." She smiled. "What?" David was genuinely baffled. "Well yeah, they're kids..they're assholes!" She shrugged. David thought for a moment. He then smiled. "Yeah.. even though they try to make me do stuff such as eat space 'food', do stupid stunts...paint questionable pictures...I still love them to death.." he looked at his reflection in the water. Gwen chuckled a bit and moved in closer. "Yeah.." she looked into his eyes. David gulped and looked into her beautiful lavender eyes. He moved in closer. The two continue to inch closer together.

"What are we doing.." Gwen muttered barley above a whisper. "I'm not sure.." David started to purse his lips.
Gwen closed her eyes "we.. shouldn't..be doing...thi-" David's sentence was cute off and Gwen gripped his ascot and kissed him tenderly.

They shared this special moment for a few seconds. Gwen let go and stared into his ocean green eyes. She leaned in again and kissed his jaw line and cheek. David gripped her arms and purred gently. "Mm~ Gwen.." he closed his eyes..he could get used to this. Gwen couldn't stop herself. Her crush on David was too strong. She'd waited for this moment since she Could remember.
David's heart pounded and the butterflies came alive in his stomach.

David squished Gwen's cheeks and kissed her lips. A little mutter, "Gwen..I l-love you.." managed to escape his lips.
Gwen moaned lovingly. "Mmph~ I love you too.." she said patting from David, then going back to kissing him deeply.

After a bit, they let go again, panting. "Oh my gosh..!" He blushed. "Did we-" David was cut off. "Make out? Yeah." She smirked. David gulped. "Wowy.." he blinked a few times.

"Guess who's all mine now? You are.." she climbed into his lap.

David blushed and stammered. "G-g-golly!" All the blood rushed to his face.
Gwen kissed his cheek.."you have no idea how long I've dreamed of this." David said. Gwen nodded. "Same here.."

"Gosh...I'm lucky.." he fell onto his back and let Gwen straddle over him. "You can be even luckier..if you catch my drift.~" Gwen played around.

David raised and eyebrow, then a wave of realization hit him. "GOLLY!" he smiled half nervously half excitedly.
Gwen chuckled and pecked his lips once more before helping him up.

It truly was a dream come true.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2019 ⏰

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