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Some suggestive content in this! But nothing too bad.

Gwen smirked. She saw her beloved boyfriend David sitting at his desk doing some paper work.

She snuck behind him and suddenly went at his neck kissing it.

David gasped a bit startled. "G-gwen!" He blushed. "What are you d-doing?" He closed one eye and bit his lip.

Gwen continued to kiss his neck leaving small red and purple marks. "Sorry I couldn't resist." The woman shrugged and licked at his neck some more.

"Ngh..gosh Gwen..I have to finish this up..can we wait till l-later... These are going to be awfully hard to hide from the c-campers..!" David blushed , obviously embarressed. He pulled his ascot back up trying to cover the red marks.

Gwen rolled her eyes. "Come on..I've got make up.." Gwen twirled her finger in his hair whilst she used her other hand to take his ascot off. David gulped and looked at her, completely flustered. She went at his neck again. "Mm..g-gwen" he grunted. He looked away almost taking it now, but he wasn't going to deny he liked it.

Gwen stopped. "Damn David..I just wanted to give you some kisses~ don't be so stubborn next time " she walked away..David touched his neck where the hickies were left. He smiled, knowing he'll get her back.


Gwen walked back into the cabin after a long day of making sure the camp didn't burn down.

"David?" She looked around. After a lousy attempt of searching she shrugged and layed on her bed.

Suddenly, David slipped into the cabin and walked over to her. He sat on the bed with her. "Sit." He said patting his lap. Gwen blushed madly. "Uh..okay." she climbed on his lap. David chuckled and kissed her neck.

"Mm~ David..this is more like it." She purred. David then bit down slightly. Gwen gasped and bit her lip. David chuckled. He left some marks. Gwen chuckled. "Alright..these will be a little harder to hide..I'll admit.." she uttered. "But I'll get you even better next time..!"

David chuckled and leaned in for a kiss. Gwen pressed her lips into the red heads soft ones.

"Mmph~" Gwen muffled as she put a hand on his face. David put his hand on her thigh and gripped it. their lips departed and David smiled.
"You're stupid" Gwen smirked. David raised and eyebrow..Gwen leaned into him.."my strong and handsome man~" Gwen gripped his arm playfully. David gulped and blushed. That stuff was a big turn on for him. He chuckled nervously.

They just layed their and cuddled for the rest of the night.

Gwenvid oneshots! (camp camp)Where stories live. Discover now