a little kindness goes a long way

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This is based of the newest episode of camp camp. So if you're not cool with spoilers leave now!!

Gwen heard a thud. She rubbed her eyes and sat up in her head. David was basically knocked out on his bed. But he looks different. She gasped and got up basically throwing herself against the bed David was on.

David opened his eyes and groaned. "David! Where have you been?!" She shouted. She had been worried about him. "And Jesus look at your beard!" Gwen couldn't help but feel a bit attracted to him. David rubbed his facial hair with his hand sheepishly.

"Huh..oh yeah.." he yawned. Every move he made, made him wince in pain. He had alot of wounds on him from be experience in the wilderness.

"Ow.." he rubbed his arm. Gwen blinked a few times. "What the hell happened to you? I was so.." gwen paused examining his body. David's eyes lit up.

"I was...wondering where you were.. B-because I needed your help around h-here." She blushed looking down. She caught a glimpse of the handsome mans beard every chance she could..
"Well, I got in a bit of trouble when I got knocked out and fell into one of the canoes..next thing I knew I was miles away from camp..a met a wolf friend during my journey..we didn't like eachother at first..as you can see by the wounds." David frowned. "But..after I saved her...she came back..and...s-she" David's eyes flooded with tears

Gwen raised and eyebrow. David gulped and choked on his sobs. "She saved me from a bear..and...she.." David hugged his knees. Gwen patted his back. "Oh..? Oh..I'm so sorry.." she frowned knowing the companion David made had given her life for him.

"Hey..it's okay..alright? You're back now and I'll get you fixed up." Gwen smiled at him. David looked up at her and smiled gently. "I missed you so much Gwen.." the red head looked into her eyes.

Gwen's heart thumped faster by every passing second with their eyes locked. "I missed you too.. but I was mostly worried as shit!" Gwen grabbed his arm and glided her fingers on his scratch. David flinched. Gwen cringed and stopped.

"I'll be right back" Gwen went to go get ointment and proper bandages, not his ascot.

"Hold still." the woman uttered as she sat down next to him on the bed. David just nodded and watched her closely. He watched her dip a cotton ball in ointment and she gripped his arm. You could tell David was tense, but so was Gwen. She was cautious as she gently let the soaked cotton ball only skim his wound very slighty. David gripped her arm back and winced a bit.

Gwen frowned. "I'm sorry." She muttered. David sighed as Gwen touched his wound again, this time more liberally. David hissed and shut his eyes. He whimpered, the stinging was god awful."shh..shh..I know, I know..it stings..just bare with me." Gwen glanced at his watery eyes.

She dabbed the cotton ball all over his wound as fast as she could. David gripped the sheets of the bed. "Owwie." Uttered David. Gwen sighed."that should do for this one.." she wrapped it up. David smiled at her watching her do this..such an intelligent, caring woman..he thought.

"Alright..sorry to say, but we've got alot more to do." She shrugged. David sighed. "Yeah..I know." He nodded looking down. David removed his crafted shirt he made during his 'adventure'
Gwen blushed only a little and glanced to the side.

Once her eyes met his body again, she saw a somewhat still fresh gashes in his stomach. Gwen gasped. "O-oh my god David.." She bit her lip, she let her hand glide across his stomach and just stared in pure anxiety..just visualizing what he went through. Her hand concluded it's gentle journey across his abdomen. David blushed a little, his flustered face was soon replaced with a cringe as the wound was still sensetive.

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