Chapter 3

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Jungkook... Jungkook...

The words seemed to come through the foggy cloud enveloping him. Who was it? He'd had a huge crush on one of the BTS members for a while now, but he didn't think anyone noticed, except Yoongi, who always noticed Jungkook and confided with him. Thank you Yoongi.

He forced his eyes open to check, only to perceive a blinding white light. Immediately shutting them, he groaned, and batted at whatever that thing was so he could open his eyes and see if it was Jimin calling him.

"You can open your eyes now."

"Jin?" He didn't understand. He'd meant to say Jimin but Jin's name just.. came out.

Jin froze as Jungkook groaned and started to flap his hands in the air, startled by his own reaction. I want to hear him do that with me. I want him to groan and moan and say my name. Am I a pervert?

He moved the flashlight away from Jungkook's face and said, "You can open your eyes now."



"What the hell was that light?"

"What the hell was that? You do that and you ask me about a fucking flashlight?"

"What? What the hell are you talking about?"

"You want to know what I'm talking about?" Suddenly, Jin was furious and filled to the brim. He needed to let this go. He needed Jungkook. He-

"You fucking collapsing and yelling you're sorry and my name. You want to tell me about that?"

Jungkook paled. "Oh... Oh... Oh, no...Sh-"

"I'll be back when you're done," Jin said stiffly. "Call me if you have the guts to."

He kind of regretted saying the last words when he saw his baby's stricken face and punched-in-the-gut reaction, but he had to go. He had to know what this was all about. I can't stand being in the dark anymore.

Jungkook watched Jin leave quietly. If only he knew. The maknae slammed the door and threw something glass against the wall. It shattered, the sharp pieces stabbing in to whatever was closest, mainly Jungkook's skin. It was morning, Jungkook could tell, by the light now surrounding his room from the window. He turned to see the sun when he froze. There centered purposely on the window, was a head. It's the same one. He started to shake, and he looked down to avoid the sight when he noticed the blood pooling little by little. Drip. Drip. He saw the car, screaming towards him, again and again and again. He saw his startled face reflected against the windshield of that car, over and over. He saw the driver. The driver. The driver. It's the same one. It's the same one. I want to die. I want to die. Why me?

Jungkook hurtled out of his room and ran blindly, knocking over that same table Jin had just last night, splattering the smallest drops of blood against the walls and floor. Taehyung greeted him. "Hey Jungkook, what's- what- what the fuck? Wait Jungkook! Wait!"

At this, the other BTS members turned around. Jungkook didn't stop and he kept running until he was out of the apartment. He punched the elevator button, which came down quickly for him, and closed the door on Taehyung's panicked face. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

"Hey Jungkook, what's- what- what the fuck? Wait Jungkook! Wait!" When Jin heard V's earnest astonishment and the maknae's name involved, he whirled around too late. He didn't see Jungkook but he did see the bloody dots on the wall and floor. Dammit.

"Hobi, don't burn the bread! I'm following V!"


"Just do it!"

When no protest came, Jin finished tying his shoes - God dammit, he still needed Jungkook's help with that - and sprinted out the door. He skidded to a stop in the hallway, however, when he saw Taehyung pounding on the elevator door. "What the hell?"

"Jungkook's going up. Jungkook's going up! He's using the elevator Jin! God dammit, I need to use the stairs!" Taehyung raced to the stairs, and Jin followed him, his worry for the youngest boosting him faster, and soon V's panting fell behind and all he could hear was his thundering steps and the blood pounding in his ears. "Jin! Jin! Tell him! Tell him don't do Euphoria! Don't do Euphoria!"

Oh my god. Euphoria... that suicide scene. Where he jumps off the top. Oh my god. Jungkook, no.

Jungkook listened to the elevator music as he rode to the top of the apartment building. What was this song? Oh yes. That 'Save Me' song that BTS had made a while ago. He giggled. Funny how in his last moments, he was listening to elevator music made by his own group. Not my group anymore, he thought. He started to hum along, occasionally adding to the voices.

Why the hell are there so many stairs? Should I have waited for the elevator? Why did we have a lower floor apartment? Dammit! Jin's foot caught against a stair, and he fell, pausing his moment by at least three seconds. Sweat dripped off his nose as he resumed taking the stairs three at a time. Everything is by three. Three. Three. Two other people were involved with Jungkook last night. He didn't know how right he was. Jungkook... wait for me. I'll save you. I'll save you. I'll save you.

I'll love you.

Jungkook looked up nostalgically at the ceiling. He hunched his shoulders and smiled slightly. He had done this with Hobi as an imitation of Jin once. Jin had laughed and asked dramatically how they could do that.

Why was he thinking of Jin?

I hate him. He walked out not knowing what happened.

No you don't.

Yes I do.

You don't. Why else are you thinking of him?

Shut up.


Who the hell are you?

Who the hell are you?

I hate you too.

You can't hate yourself.

God dammit. I'm too intelligent.

Not really. Not if you're doing this right now.

You just called your own self stupid.

I didn't say I was stupid. I just said you weren't really intelligent.

What's the difference?

The difference is life and death.

I made it. Jin tried to regain his breath, panicking slightly when he noticed Jungkook was not in plain sight. Did he already do it? Oh gods. He ran to the edge and looked down over the railing.  Nope. No splattered body. Good. He sat next to the wall surrounding the elevator, waiting for his-

Yes. He is my love. My one and only love. Dammit. Why are you so charming? It's okay though. Charming and World-Wide Handsome belong together.

You're quite charming, you know that? "The difference is life and death." Please. That's so... cliche.

It's true though. I am quite charming. So are you. Or at least, that's what you hope Jin thinks of you.

That's righ- Wait. Jin? Who said anything about him?

I think you also have short-term memory loss. The only things you ever remember long-term are food and boys.

Shut up.

His Savior - JinkookWhere stories live. Discover now