Rover. Chapter 1.

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Katie Holt was a smart little nerd all her life, she didnt have any friends and always got bullied. The only person she trusted was her big brother matt. He always cheer Katie up and was always there for her just like she was for him. The siblings could spend hours hanging out and laughing in the Loft where they would work on projects. Katie felt like she was loved and had a place to belong as long as her brother was around. Normal kids would say there parents loves them, they had good friends, had a great childhood but Katie didnt really have that. 

Her parents only loved matt and treated her like a ghost all her life. She doesn't know why and tried to win her parents over by being number one in every class and tests. She won small awards and even got in trouble with the police to try and gain their attention but it never worked. She was the smartest girl in the town and her brother was the second but she still couldn't figure out a way to win her parents love. 

They treated matt like a god and would always spoil him making Katie jealous but she would never hate her brother. She loved him and he loved her like normal siblings should. Matt would always play with her and make her laugh. He was like her best friend and she was glad to have her brother. It seem Matt knew why his parents treated Katie like she was never born but never told Katie. 

When Katie was nine she was sitting in a tree staring at the night sky full of stars. She often did this to escape her life and just feel a little free. She knew she couldn't just run away like in the movies since she wasn't brave enough. But tonight was special, her brother was getting an award from school and would soon be coming home with their parents. Since her parents would often leave Katie home since they acted like she never was born. She missed many family nights out or special celebrations but tonight Matt was bringing her some sweets back. He texted his sister that he snuck a bag of sweets from the part in his suit pocket and was bringing them back. It might seem wired to others but Katie was happy to be remember and have someone sneak candy for her. Once she heard the car doors, Katie quickly climbed into her room window and sat in bed waiting for her brother. After their secret knock he entered and hugged her before passing the sweets.

Since matt had a long busy day he soon went to his room to sleep, leaving Katie to eat the sweets in her small room. Later that night she taken away from earth by a Galra ship. She was woken up by a sound and climbed out her window to find out what, keeping her brother old glasses on her face to make her feel safe. She walked to the back of the house where the woods sat at the bottom of their garden. She walked opened the garden gate to enter the woods and that when she met a Galra soldier who took her back since she saw them.

She became a prisoner and was torture for years. When she was eleven she escapee the base and started her new life in space. She soon learned about the rebels but stayed away from the on going battle since she didnt care about it much. Well she didnt until she was hacking a Galra ship for info since she noticed more ships around making it hard for her to sneak around in her ship. Katie learned how harsh life was very fast since the day she was taken and changed. She became a thief, a ninja and a hacker to survive. She changed her Name to Pidge and only worked solo. She would help the Rebels, the Galra and anyone else as long as they had the money or what she needed. 

Pidge was fifth teen now and as she was hacking she found certain names that made her fill with worry. Matt Holt and takashi shirogane or shiro since he didnt like his name. She only met him when he came round to hang with matt and their parents was out meaning Katie was free to move around. Shiro didnt mind Katie hanging out with him and matt since he knew what Katie life was like from matt telling him at school. She looked to find where the two was and found out they  was caught during a mission a couple months ago. She hunted down the ship they were last listed on and went to save them. 

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