Love. Chapter 4.

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"how the fuck did we get lost" Pidge yelled as they stood on a hill, looking down to she the jungle covered planet. 

"maybe you such at map reading" Lotor sighed and crossed his arms. 

"i suck, your the one with the map" Pidge yelled back. 

"so" Lotor said in a grumps and Pidge just grunted. 

"just give me the map" Pidge hissed and tried grabbing it from lotor but he held it higher.

"I'm in charge of the map" Lotor grinned. 

"give it or lose a leg" Pidge warned. 

"like you could do anything" Lotor laughed and Pidge soon kicked lotor in the shin making it full to the ground in pain. 

"oops" Pidge smirked and picked up the map. 

"you have terrible strong legs" Lotor frowned. 

"thank you" Pidge said proudly. 

"so any luck" lotor asked as Pidge looked at the map. 

"well i did find something out" Pidge hum. 

"what, where we are" Lotor asked with hope. 

"nope" Pidge hum.

"then what did you find" Lotor asked. 

"your an idiot" Pidge grinned. 

"excuse me" Lotor hissed. 

"this isn't even the map of the planet, no wonder we got lost" Pidge sighed and passed Lotor the map back. 

"the wrong map, then we just been following the wrong path" Lotor sighed and Pidge nodded. 

"it seems your father left us to die or he got the maps mix up when passing it on" Pidge sighed and sat on the edge. 

"great, what now" Lotor asked since something was jamming any technology.

"we wait until tomorrow" Pidge frowned.

"why tomorrow" Lotor asked and sat down behind her. 

"i parked my ship in the east and since it nearly took us all day to get this far, we wait for tomorrow since we dont know how unsafe the jungle is at night" Pidge sighed and scratch her ear a little being careful to not let her bandana.

"do you ever take that bandana off" Lotor asked annoyed since he never seen her not wearing. 

"i do when I'm alone" Pidge hummed. 

"why do you even hide you face, is it ugly or scared" Lotor asked as he laid down. 

"i take it off in front of someone one day" Pidge said with a weak smile. 

"and who would that be" Lotor asked. 

"the right person" Pidge said sweetly. 

"let me guess the one who steal your heart" Lotor asked with a smirk. 

"he cant steal what he already took" Pidge smiled and laid down looking to the sky why a shocked lotor just laid staring at her. 

"no way, so the loner can fall in love" Lotor laughed. 

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