Tears of Joy. Chapter 5.

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"DADDY" kitty yelled as Keith slowly started to fade away in their arms. 

"DADDY, dont go" Kyle cried as the children tried hugging their father but was going straight through keith. 

"No please no, i love you two so much .. please dont let me leave them alone" Keith cried and begged as he kept fading away in front of his two children. 

"KEITH" a voice yelled and soon Keith fell out of a pod making someone smaller catching him barley and struggling to keep him of the ground. 

"he awake" the voice yelled again and Keith vision was blurry with his tears. 

"kitty, Kyle" Keith yelled as he remembers and stands up making the person holding him fall to the ground. 

"who" Lance asked as he walked over to help his friend up. 

"where are they" Keith yelled with fear and looked around. 

"Kitty and Kyle" a voice whisper and keith froze where he stood and turned to face the voice who sat on the floor where she fell. 

"Pidge" Keith whisper in shock, tears of joy feel from his eyes and he ran over hugging the shorter girl who froze up. 

"Allura, are you sure keith fully healed" lance yelled with worry since keith wasn't acting as keith. 

"yes the pod should have healed him and fix him up" Allura said with a small smile as she and Coran stood by the door not sure if they should run from this keith. 

"i thought i lost you" Keith whisper as he held Pidge ever closer to her and everyone just watched in shock. 

"keith" Pidge said with a small smile and hugged him back, knowing he needed a hug. 

"i need you to listen to me and calm while we hug" Pidge said in a calm voice and keith just nodded before digging his face into her neck making the others mouth dropped. 

"allura" shiro said with worry as he watched keith and she already left the room with Coran. 

"during our last battle a galra soldier shot you and we had to put you in the healing pod for two days, we were all worried about you and we glad your alive but you need to stop and think for a second before saying anymore" Pidge said kindly and broke away from the hug and placed her hands on his cheek. 

"Kyle and kitty are such lovely names but we dont know who they and we dont why you looked so scared when waking" Pidge said a gentle smile and looked into Keith eyes. 

"so it was just a dream while i was in the pod" keith said with a frown. 

"sorry bud" Hunk said with a frown knowing Keith must had a important dream. 

"no I'm sorry, i got lost in my dream and acted rash" keith said as he rubbed his neck but Pidge didnt let go of his cheeks seeing how hurt he was by his eyes. 

"shiro i think it might be best to get Keith some water" Pidge smiled kindly. 

"understood, hunk go get keith some goo and lance go get keith some clothes" Shiro said with a small smile as the other two nodded before all three left. 

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