Belong. Chapter 3.

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Keith carried Pidge back to his room since he wasn't sure what room the garrison placed Pidge in. He didnt mind sleeping on the floor but as they reach his bed, he found a problem. Pidge was holding onto him too tight for him to just walk away. He tried getting her to let go but she just hold on tighter. With a deep break keith laid on the bed with her and it wasn't as bad as he thought. Pidge cuddled into his chest why he had his arms wrapped around her. The two fell asleep together in the other arms like nothing else in the world matter. 

Shiro who was sent to wake Keith since the commander wanted to ask him questions, walked in on the two all snuggled together and at peace. He smiled while taking a photo and walked out the room leaving them. He just come up with an excuse for the commander later since he never saw keith like this and like hell he just wake them up. 

Around nine in the morning the two slowly started to wake but didnt move away straight away. Small smiles placed on their lips as they looked to the other not moving. They felt warm and safe in each other arms and didnt want to let go. They were happy to stay like this no matter what .. well that was until a certain Cuban boy walked in keith room. 

"hey keith, did you hear the new orders from the garrison .. oh so loving in the morning" Lance smirked and stood by the door while the two quickly shot up and fell out of bed. 

"its fine take your time, give the heart what it needs" Lance laughed as the two just glared at him before standing up. 

"what new orders" Keith hissed and crossed his arms while Pidge stood next to him with a hand on her hips. 

"orders saying we cant leave the base until they think we save enough since we got have a space illness or an alien chip on us" Lance said annoyed and Pidge grunted. 

"humans are so stupid" Pidge sighed. 

"dont forget your also a human" Keith said rolling his eyes. 

"yeah but I'm not stupid" Pidge hissed back and the two started smirking before snickering, leaving lance standing their with a smirk. 

"oh and Pidge, they gonna place you in jail" Lance said with a frown and the other two quickly turned to him. 

"what" keith and Pidge yelled together. 

"since your seen as an enemy becuase you been reported dead on earth for years and been in the alien hands .. you might have been brain washed or something" Lance said with a worried smile. 

"then i better get going" Pidge sighed and Keith turned to her. 

"your leaving" Keith said with a frown. 

"I'm not gonna just sit in jail and my life is waiting for me in space remember" Pidge frown. 

"why not start a life on earth" Keith asked as he grabbed her hand and Lance stood in the room awkwardly since it seemed the two forgot about him. 

"i dont belong on keith and space needs me more then earth ever did" Pidge said with a small smile. 

"what about me, i need you" Keith begged and looked into Pidge. 

"then come with me" Pidge smiled shocking the two boys. 

"in space" Keith said shocked. 

"yeah, become my partner in space .. i could use help saving both sides and it be nice to have someone to laugh with" Pidge smiled and had eyes full of hope. 

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