Earth. Chapter 2.

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"oh morning Pidge" Lance yawned as he walked into the shower room and saw Pidge changing back into her clothes after taking a shower. The thought of Pidge not being with keith or locked up didnt hit him and he just kept walking with his towel on his shoulder and only wore his pants. Luckily for them both Pidge already had her bra and a under vest on along with her shorts, so she wasn't naked as lance walked in. But lance didnt notice many scars on Pidge back and neck, it seemed where her wet hair drip make the back of her vest see through and lance saw all the scars. He stood in shock and Pidge just nodded at him before walking out to sneak back into the lock bedroom she escaped from. Pidge kept her face hidden as she walked away making it so lance never saw her face just her back.

Lance didnt ask Pidge about the scars nor did he tell anyone what he saw. 

After everyone else was awake, Shiro unlocked the door to let Pidge out. She acted like she been trapped inside all night and missed her freedom but the fresh smell gave her away or to keith and shiro that is. Allura still wasn't happy about Pidge and still saw her as a threat but Pidge just shrug her off. 

"we be arriving on the rebel planet in a couple hours" Coran told everyone as they walked into the table room to eat breakfast.

"i wonder if anyone else join up since our last visit" Allura said excited. 

"why do you care, they just be more names you never learn and never know about even when they die" Pidge sighed and Allura frown at Pidge. 

"hey Pidge, i been wondering but since you help save shiro then why didnt you save Matt" Lance asked like an idiot. 

"she did, how else would the rebels find matt location and how all the stuff they needed to help him escape to the planet he is on now, she paid the rebels while also giving them a plan and all info they needed to save matt" Shiro grinned and Pidge was shocked he knew, she kept her name hidden and left no clues for it to be known as her who sent the rebels to matt. 

"wow, you might be a better hero then all of us combined if you saved these two while staying equal to both sides, it makes it sound like your been in space for a long time" Hunk grinned and everyone chuckled. 

"nearly eight years since i was last home, space has became my home" Pidge frown and stabbed at some goo while everyone turned to her shocked. 

"seven years, your been in space seven years but that would mean you were in space way before shiro and matt got taken" Keith said shocked and Pidge just nodded. 

"space is my home" Pidge said with a weak smile. 

"dont you miss earth" Coran asked and Pidge froze a little. 

"earth, sure i do it was my home and i missed the pretty woods with wild animals living along side each other in bliss but i dont think i could ever call it home" Pidge said with a harsh tone. 

"what about your family" hunk said with worry. 

"family, i didnt exist in their eyes" Pidge frowned but no one saw since she still had her bandana on but keith could tell. (P.S. pidge is eating the goo by putting the spoon of goo under her bandana but still hiding her face.).

"well I'm sure they have no choice but to see you once you return and be super proud of you for saving shiro and matt in space and giving us voltron" Lance said with a huge smile and Pidge looked up shock. 

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