4. Training

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4. training

          On the first day of training, we are tested for indiviual strengths. So far as I am concerned, I am phisically capable of winning if any of the covens back out of the compromise. And, since I can stretch my shield, Edward wins, too.

       To make it look like we actually plan to fight in the arena, Tanya and I get into a scuffle. “Wait ‘till we get into the arena. You will be my first kill.” I state with so much anger in my voice that it is almost believable. This is a plus for me, saying as I am terrible liar. The guards are quick to separate us.

       After a few days, we must go in front of the sponsers. That day is today. What I am going to do is probably not going to help me get a high score, but it is all know. They call us one by one from each coven. Thankfully we are last because we are the Olympic coven. “Isabella Cullen.” I cringe at the sound of my full name. I stood up. But efore I could lift my foot up, Edward was infront of me. He stood there, dazed in my eyes. I couldn’t help but to stare back. His deep crimson eyes were full of hurt and pain. I didn’t know how to help him. There was no out on either of our parts. “ Isabella Cullen.” The automated machine repeated itself. I guessed the sponsers were getting bored.

       I followed the path in which I watched Nahuel walk along.  As I walk in, I cringe at the sound of the door shutting. I walk to stand in the middle of the room. I push my sheild out to cover my whole body. I feel an urge of electricity in the air. I grow tense as I here the sounds of machines starting up. My test has begun.

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