Dance Dance Infiltration

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random students schmoozing at the dance. Professor Oobleck is shown to be listening intently as Peter Port laughs over some unheard anecdote. Ozpin is standing off to the side with Glynda Goodwitch until General James Ironwood offers his hand for her to dance with him. Jaune Arc approaches Ruby rock who are standing pensively near the refreshments tables.

"I see you two are hiding at the punch bowl too." said jaune

"Yep." ruby says as an audible *pop* can be heard as Ruby emphasizes the 'p'.

"To the socially awkward." Jaune toasts

Ruby giggles and they clink glasses. "Sorry things didn't work out with Weiss."

"Meh, it's fine. Neptune's pretty 'cool'. I get why she went with him."Jaune said as rock made a buzzer noise holding up a finger

" What do you mean?" ruby asked

" Well, come on, not many people can pull off blue hair." Jaune said as rock made another buzzing sound and held up another finger

Jaune begins to drink his punch As ruby says "No, I mean, Weiss came to the dance alone." rock a a ding sound and a cheering noise

Jaune chokes in surprise, turning to Ruby "Uh, what?"

Weiss is trying desperately to coax life out of a wilting white rose. When she fails, she looks visibly upset.

"Yeah, she said that she had too much to focus on to worry about boys." ruby said

Laughter draws Weiss' attention to Sun, Blake, and Neptune as the latter entertains the others with some impressions and other silly faces. Jaune, shown to be observing as well, becomes visibly perturbed.

Jaune speaking in a low growl says
"Hold my punch."

Jaune hands Ruby his glass and no sooner than he vanishes from sight does she choose to drink from his cup. Ruby finished both cups and decided to walk away as rock turned to Penny, who was being guarded, and walked towards her


Yang, leaning on a handrail and overlooking the festivities from a second tier, looks on as Ruby approaches and leans on the rail.

"You know? I think we really needed this." yang said

Blake and Sun are slow dancing while Ren and Nora appear to be Waltzing. Penny is shown to be dancing with rock, guarded by two Atlas Soldiers, as roll watches from the distance

"Yeah, and you did a great job planning it too!" ruby said

Yang, reaching over to Ruby says "Aw, thanks!" crushing Ruby in a one-arm hug as she flails frantically "It wasn't all me, though. Weiss did a lot too."

Ruby stops struggling and looks down at Weiss. Neptune approaches and rubs his neck nervously. Weiss invites him to sit with her.

Yang chuffs saying "Tomorrow it's back to work."

"I'm sure we can handle whatever gets thrown at us." sudden fits of laughter and giggles draw their attention below. "Ex-cept for that."


Jaune pushes past some students to Pyrrha who turns around to see...

" Jaune?" pyrrha asked

Jaune is shown to now be wearing a white dress with a blue ribbon saying
"Eh, a promise is a promise."

Pyrrha, smiling... then giggling... then laughing aloud says "Jaune! You didn't have to!"

"Hey, an Arc never goes back on his word." Jaune extended his hand to Pyrrha "Now do you wanna stand there and laugh at me, or do you wanna dance?"

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