4. [][] The Dream and the Destroyer [][]

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Marisol's dreams had never made much sense, even before these powers had been thrust upon her. One would think that being able to dream the future would be helpful.

That she'd be able to conjure up the winning lottery tickets or what the weather would be like on any given planet the day of a big heist. Something useful like that.

Nope. All she got was completely and utterly random nonsense. How was that useful? What was she supposed to do with a bunch of unconnected junk?

More than anything, the dreams annoyed her to no end. They were impossible to decipher, which was more than a little nerve wracking for her, considering she had an inexplicable urge to solve every puzzle out there. Her dreams just weren't solvable.

That night at the prison Marisol had one of her most confusing, and frankly spookiest, dreams yet.

It started out with nothing but darkness; slowly light leaked in, as a sliding door was thrust open, revealing a small crate from the inside.

The crate was carrying a massive, two ton, golden gauntlet, fixed with six little slots where one could attach gems if they wanted. (Personally Marisol thought it would have looked better with some jewels. It also would have been twice as valuable, which meant she'd get more money for selling it if she ever got her hands on it.)

"Fine." The voice reverberated around the crate, rattling it the slightest bit. It was low, deep, menacing. Angry. "I'll do it myself." Then, the mad titan himself appeared in front of the crate. His form was gigantic.

Marisol imagined he was probably the same size as two whole earth mountains; he could probably squash anyone who stood in his way all by his lonesome. (Which made the army sort of arbitrary, but Marisol didn't make a habit of judging other people's evil schemes.)

Thanos reached inside the crate, his purple skin seemingly darker in the light of the suns behind him. The golden armor over his body, glinted in the light threateningly.

The mad titan grabbed the gauntlet inside the crate, sliding it onto his arm, slowly.

Before Marisol could figure out just what he was going to "do himself" the scene changed, filling in the gaps for her.

It was a Xandarian city. For a moment, everything was nice. Perfect and stupid as per usual... In the blink of an eye, everything changed.

A thick, purple cloud washed over the city in one swift motion. People ran and screamed, but there was no where to hide. In a matter of seconds, everything was destroyed.

Woman, children, and even the mightiest of men didn't stand a chance. They were struck down, screaming in agony as the cloud washed over them, leaving behind nothing but their mangled corpses.

The city itself was destroyed, as its people were brought to their knees. Buildings crumpled, falling apart like bad bread. Vehicles fell from the sky, crashing and burning along with everything else.

A massive sink hole formed, swallowing all the water and beautiful structures within seconds.

The scene changed again. This time Ronan the Accuser was standing before five very dead looking figures.

His blue skin, lined with black markings, was covered in dust, as he sauntered from the debris and rubble of Xander. He swept a hand over the five figures, calling out to whatever survivors might still be out there. "Behold! Your Guardians of the Galaxy!"

The dream washed over the figures' faces like some sort of shitty movie, revealing the faces of Drax the Destroyer, Gamora, Rocket, Peter Quill, and Marisol herself.

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