Chapter 1

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Light blue eyes stare into the sky and the sun as the lights enter through the clean windows. Her hair was as white fading into black,with her cheeks stained with previous tears she cried days after.

Her clothing was tattered, small pocket knife in hand as she started cutting her left arm. With each slit,blood would come out. With each trickle of blood dropping to the floor, it would decide one's end.

As she focus her gaze onto her arm,staring at the blood,a weakened sigh escape her dry lips,and started cutting more. She had carved out 10 cuts already,all of it were longer,until it'll looked like her flesh will ooze out.

Of course,she wanted something like that to happen. If she could just lose a lot of blood and died just right there,on the floor,she will smile for the first time,free from all the misery,and can finally be herself.

But...She can't. We might think she is the only one,but to me,there are six more girls behind her back that needs to borrow a helping part in crying. They were all broken. They just pretended that they're not.

The girl's thoughts poof away in a flash when she heard the bedroom door open,and before anything could come out of the hole,she put her knife away,take two sheets of papers to cover her bloody cuts and roll down her sleeve.

And stood there like nothing happened.

The second girl stood there,her light brown hair that fades to black,with pure dark brown eyes. And from the aspect of her fragile body,anyone might knew she would got anorexia.

They both flash on a smile to each other,pretending not to notice the tears streaming down their faces.

"Takase,come on. It's time for breakfast."

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