Chapter 3

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Katsuko and Hikaru ran as they look back again and again,like they were afraid that someone or something is going after them,and seconds later would tackle their bodies on the grounds.

But apparently,nobody was chasing them after all. They just fled from a store minutes ago,stealing some beverages and food and manage to get out of there before the owner calls the police.

The girls imprint fake smiles on their faces as they stop,then walk slowly to heave down their fast pacing breaths. Katsuko stares at her friend for quite some time, tears streaming down her white pale face.

"I was so nervous back there. You know I wasn't good at stealing." Hikaru's hazel coloured hair blows by a small impact of wind,wiping the sweat from her temples. Her black eyes were wet with tears too.

"But we don't have any choice,do we? I mean,we didn't have much money left..."

Katsuko let out a small chuckle. They both later sit down on a bench,taking out two cans of drinks from the cold black plastic bag. "Cheers," both of them said in unison,before sipping on their drinks.

"We should save the rest for them," Katsuko torted,looking down at the other contents they stole. The other girl nods.

"Man,I should have kept the pills in a safe place. Takase just went straight and hide it. I think she feels it's unfair if I die first without her knowledge."

Katsuko chuckles again,much fakier this time.

"I can't wait to die too..."

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