Chapter 4

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Takase stirs while sleeping on her bed,sweat breaking out of her forehead and hot tears streaming down her pale face. She had the temperature of the air conditioner risen up to the coldest degree,almost completely freezing up her whole room.

Tubes of ice cream and tissues lay everywhere,with the pillow already wet with her previous crying water. The windows were a bit dusty,clearly since she didn't have enough stamina to clean everything up.

Her eyes were droopy,blinking slowly in a hurtful motion, completely and weakly tired. The appeareance of her is no longer elegant and vacant. Her face was paler than usual,her light blue eyes altered with hues of darkness.

In the past,these girls used to be happy and cheerful,childish and naughty troublemakers. They would tell jokes,play games and mess around.

But now...

It turns out that some group of gawky youngsters started teasing and bullying them,telling them that they are not worthy to be professional frolickers,and thus,shooed them out for no actual reason.

This gives them more conflict and stress,and gave up to looking for solutions. So they end up like this. The girls just became broken,like now.

The door of Takase's room opens,and Reon walks in. Her eyebrows were furrowed in concern,not noticing that her friend's room was really cold.

"Wow,you look terrible," she said,sitting by the side facing the bedridden female. Takase just stares back at her with those weak glowing orbs,forming on a weak smile that was fake. They were not okay.


"Man,I was just as terrible as you." Reon laughs while rubbing her temples.

Takase never bothers to say another word,instead gazes towards the window,admiring the gloomy scenery. The sky was grey,and that depicts the lives of these girls now. If they were a sky,they would look colorless.

"If only,we could hold hands together and jump off a high building...that would be awesome." Takase smiles imagining the view where they would smile and laugh for the last time,before holding hands together,and die.

It was fun.

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