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Akamatsu woke up to the sound of her alarm, she began rubbing her eyes so she could see more clearly.

"Oi, bakamatsu, get the fuck back up or you'll be late." Iruma said.

Akamatsu yawned and stretched her arms. She began preparing for her morning. After getting dressed, she went with Iruma to the cafeteria.

"So, bakamatsu, what lessons do ya have today?" Iruma asked, trying to start some conversation, since their walk to the cafeteria was beginning to become too silent.

"Hmm, I haven't checked yet, let me see..." Akamatsu said as she pulled out a sheet of paper where she had written down her lessons for the week.

  "I have...English literature." Akamatsu said.

  "Well, looks like I won't be seeing you and your nonexistent tits for a while then." Iruma said.

  Akamatsu sighed, she didn't really know anyone in that class. So she'll probably be daydreaming for a while then.

  After their five second chat, they reached the cafeteria. And there, they saw Chabashira already having breakfast by herself. Which is a bit odd, since Harukawa would've also be having breakfast here already. But today, she is nowhere to be found.

  "Alright, place your bets on who she got it going on." Iruma said, pulling out her wallet.

  "Do you ever say anything that's not inappropriate?" Akamatsu said, and walked away to buy breakfast.

  "He-hey!...Wait for me!" Iruma said as she rushed towards Akamatsu.

-The boy's dormitory area-
  Kiibo was shaking Ouma to wake him up, shouting "we're going to be late!" repeatedly. Which after a minute, woke up the entire room of people.

  Poor Kiibo. He had to do this everyday, and since Ouma was the hardest to wake up, Kiibo had decided to shake him repeatedly until he is awake. As for Amami and Saihara, they would be woken up by Kiibo's loud shouting after a few minutes. Ever since Kiibo began waking them up everyday, they just ask Kiibo to be their alarm instead of setting an alarm for themselves. Of course, triggering Kiibo because of their robophobic remark.

  "Ok! Ok! I'm awake!" Ouma said, and made Kiibo stop immediately. And after that, he slowly regained his vision and struggles to even stand on the ground.

  "Um...Kiibo, what time is it again?" Amami asked,

  "Um...8:30..." Kiibo said, realising why Amami asked that question.

  Kiibo's words sent a chill down everyone's spines, and the four of them began yelling and changing.

-Meanwhile, outside of their dorm room-
  Momota was waiting outside of Saihara's dorm room, waiting for him to walk to the cafeteria with him.

  "Man, he's gonna be late if he doesn't wake up now." Momota sighed, but soon started hearing some yelling from their room.

  "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT..." which scared Momota, causing him to trip and fall down.

-Outside of classroom, one minute before the bell rings-
  Akamatsu walked to her designated classroom for her first class, when she was opening the door, she heard someone yelling about being late, and their footsteps began getting louder and louder.

  Amami was running towards his classroom for his first class, with 3 seconds left until the bell rings, he thought he was going to be late, and ran as fast as he can.


  The classroom door was flung open, bashing it onto the wall. And behind the door, was Rantaro Amami, a student who is from Akamatsu's class. Akamatsu didn't really know him, since she didn't really talk to him much.

Love of their lives: Kaede akamatsu multiship ficWhere stories live. Discover now