11-Invention Testing

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  Iruma pulled on Akamatsu's hand repeatedly while dragging her to one of the laboratories. In Akamatsu's eyes, she seemed like a little kid trying to show her something, but that's not what she has to think about right now. She has to worry about what kind of inventions Iruma made to show her first.

  The both of them arrived to one of the laboratories Iruma frequently used. Right now, it's filled with her inventions, some are normal looking, and some are.... suspicious looking. I mean, it's Iruma we're talking about here.

  "So... what did you need me for again?" Akamatsu asked, rubbing her chin while she observed her surroundings.

  Iruma suddenly pulled out something that looked like a remote. It had two buttons on it and a screen on it as well.

  "Now then, stay still and I promise it won't hurt." Iruma said as she pointed the invention towards Akamatsu, which scared her.

  Iruma pressed one of the buttons, and Akamatsu closed her eyes to prepare for impact.

  A few seconds passed, and nothing happened. Akamatsu opened her eyes to find Iruma looking at the screen on the remote.

  The remote let out a small beep sound, and the screen showed a number. Iruma looked at it, and immediately smirked a little. She seemed...happy for some reason? And no, it's not the usual happy expression that she makes after making a sex joke, she seemed genuinely happy.

  Iruma noticed that Akamatsu was staring at her, and immediately switched to her usual expressions.

  "Ha! I knew you were a fuckin' virgin!" Iruma said as she pointed at Akamatsu.

  "Wait, what?"

  "I made an invention that scans how much a person had "done it"!"

  Akamatsu's expression suddenly turned to look as if she was disappointed. So Iruma dragged her all the way here to see if she had "done it" before.

  "Iruma-San, don't tell me you dragged me here just to do that."

  "U-um..." Iruma didn't know how to answer, since that was the truth.

  "You know what, I'm gonna go back to the dorms, see yo-" Akamatsu said as she turned around to walk out, but she was suddenly stopped by Iruma tugging her sleeves.


  "Fine. I-I'll admit I pulled you here just to do that. B-but I also wanted to hang out with y-you, but I couldn't think of an excuse... so that's why I did that." Iruma said, her other side started showing.

  "Oh. Sorry Iruma-San, I didn't know that." Akamatsu quickly apologised.

  "So, Iruma-San, what do you want to do?"

-A few minutes later-
  "Iruma-San, you're inventions are... really odd." Akamatsu said as she put another one of her inventions into a cardboard box.

  "Eh, don't worry about it!" Iruma quickly dismissed Akamatsu's previous statement.

  The two of them were packing Iruma's inventions into some boxes so she could move them back to her dorm room. She didn't want to occupy the laboratory for too long, so she asked Akamatsu to help her pack.

  Now Akamatsu has seen it all. Iruma's inventions had ranged from robots, mini bombs, to some... very suspicious looking things. However, the both of them managed to go through it all and packed them into some boxes.

  "Wow, Iruma-San, you have so many inventions. I mean, look at these! There are like 6 boxes filled with them!" Akamatsu exclaimed.

  "Tch, you call these many? I have much more!"

  "So... how are we supposed to move all these back?"

  "Ah shit." Iruma said to herself as Akamatsu brought up the question.

  After a while, they agreed to move a box each and just carry them back and forth until all of them are carried back to their dorm. Which sounded like a nightmare, and it was.

  But still, after a while of carrying, they managed to move them back into their dorm room. After the last boxes were placed, the both of them immediately collapsed onto their respective beds.

  "Man, those boxes were so heavy." Akamatsu  sighed.

  "Well, at least we finally got them all here."

  During her rest, Akamatsu had thought of the time she spent with Iruma. That's when she remembered something she wanted to ask her.

  "Hey Iruma-San, why did you smile a little and stared at the screen of that invention after you tested it on me?"

  Iruma's face turned red after hearing her question. She was so flustered she ran out of the dorm room screaming despite the box moving she just did.

  It made Akamatsu jump when she ran out. She was then left alone in the dorm room confused.

  "Well, that just happened." She said to herself, she laid back down onto her bed. Her vision slowly began to darken, and she began to fall asleep.

-Meanwhile, Ouma's dorm room-
Kiibo and Ouma were in their dorm room, Ouma was currently writing in his notebook once again while Kiibo quietly watched.

"Ouma-Kun, I don't really get why you do this."

"I think it's fun. You probably won't understand because you're a robot."

"You know what, I'm not even gonna bother."

"So what? I like to mark down these things. So I can know who I can really trust."

"Ouma-Kun, what do you mean?"

"...I'm sorry. I said too much. Forget what I said."

"I may not understand human emotions, but I still know you have some kind of problem."

"Yeah, how people think I'm a sick disgusting person. Is that what you mean?"

"No. Not like that."

"I-I just want someone who I know I can trust. Someone who wouldn't fucking backstab me in the end. Is that so much to ask for?"

Ouma had a few drops of tears dripping down onto the table. He quickly wiped them off and closed his notebook.

"I'm sure no one even trusts me in this academy."

"Ouma-Kun, I can assure you that the both of us know there are at least 2 students who you count as your friends."

"Wait, how did you-"

"I took a peek into your notebook. And also, I saw you hanging out with her a lot as well. I'm sorry, i didn't mean to pry into your personal business."

"...it's fine. Just let me rest. Goodnight Kiibo."

Ouma grabbed the notebook, rubbed his eyes and got on his bed. Once Ouma fell asleep, Kiibo was left alone inside the dorm room.

He looked at Ouma once more, then whispered something to himself.

"Goddammit Ouma-kun, I can't sleep."

He said that to himself jokingly. Then promised to himself and Ouma," don't worry, I'll help you find someone trustworthy."
--------------------------------------------------------------I sense a bit of Kiibouma in this chapter for some reason... eh whatever. Anyways the next chapter will be about Kiibo, Kokichi and Kaede. Also, I want to thank you guys for 200 reads! And as always, thank you for reading.

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