A spark and the nightmare

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Chapter 5; A spark and the nightmare

It took me a while to get back to the real world. I had just met my brother. 

"Hello, I'm Jessica-Lily Miller." I finally said after a moment of silent. I met Georges eye, he looked confused. I give him a look to tell him that i will talk to him after, he seemed to understand as he started to joking around with Fred.  Harry smiled at me and he turned to the boy next to him, and started talking about something I never heard of, quidditch. Hermione turned to me to she the confused look on my face and explained it all to me. 

About 30 minutes later I learned that the girl sat next to Hermione was called Ginny, the boy next to Harry was called Ron. 

"Right everyone, off to your rooms, big day tomorrow!" Mrs. Weasley called as we all started muttering their good-nights. 

"Jess?" a voice came from behind me, I turned around to see George holding him hand out to me, I knew what this meant. I grabbed hold off his had and the we started spinning, this time it was different. I didn't feel like I wanted to be sick. We landed in the room that we had been in before Mrs. Weasley called us down. The only thing that had changed was that there was now a trunk by the side of the bed and on top of it there was a owl hooting in its cage. It was different shades of brown mixed together to create the most interesting colors I have ever seen. Their was a letter stuck to the cage, I walked over and fulled the piece of paper free;

Dear Jessica, 

Well here are you belongings, I will see you when your term finish's, I have explained everything to Lola, don't worry. Me, Peter and Lola are going to miss you very much. I have bought you this owl so we can communicate with each other as much as possible. 



Tears slipped from my eyes onto the slip of paper. 

"Amor" I whispered. The hand of George slipped down my arm, I turned to face him. 

"It means love in Latin." I looked up to see the twinkle in his brown eyes. We stood their looking at each other for a minute before we both separated. 

"So, tell me everything" George asked, sitting down on the side of the bed. I know what he meant by this, so I started telling him everything what happened that very morning. 

We kept talking well after midnight, all I could remember was my eyes shutting and I was falling into a deep dream. 

I was falling down from a tower, I screamed for someone to catch me but no-one was there, I kept falling, then I collided with freezing cold water. I tried to push up to the surface but something was pulling me down. I screamed for someone to save me, my blue dress brushing up against my body. My auburn hair covering my face so i couldn't see. Then I felt a soft hand trying to pull me to safety. 


Chapter 5 is finished:D yeay! Will upload either later today or on saturday :)



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