How to Judge-Chapter 3✔️

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"Berkeley, honey, I'll be back. I have to run to work real quick." My mom said, peeking her head through my bedroom door.

"Yeah, whatever." I said, not looking away from my television which was playing reruns of The King of Queens. One of my favorite shows.

"Maybe you want to think about getting an apartment or going to college, it's not too late." She walked in my room and sat on my bed, setting her briefcase on the wooden floor.

Watching the television, I spoke, "Oh, so you're kicking me out?" She rubbed my leg, in what she thought was a soothing manner.

"Baby, you are twenty-two, it's time for you to go out and do stuff." She stood up, the briefcase in her hand and strolled towards the door.

"I have, I like it here." Simple.

She glanced at me but continued walking, leaving a crack in the door. I hated cracks in the door. They bothered the shit out of me, especially since our hallway is long and dark. I always feel like my room is colder when it's open or somebody is watching me through the crack.

I sigh before standing up and closing it. My phone chimes, signaling I got a text message.

Same routine, different day.

"Where you at, slut?" It read, a horn started honking outside my house, loudly.

Enough to wake up this neighborhood and the next.

I quickly grab my red hoodie, walk down the stairs and exit my house. I don't know why I always did things fast, maybe it's because the quicker I do it the easier it is to forget that I did it. Or maybe it's just anxiety.

I walk to the back door of the black mustang and without a second though, I opened the door.

I was not expecting to see who I saw.

My heart skipped a beat—or two.

All air escaped my lungs before it all rushed back in. His grey eyes locked with mine. I quickly look in Lacey's direction and back to him—not exactly sure where to look.

Couldn't I have gotten a warning?

He looked the same besides a few minor things like his hair, which is longer, his shoulders look broader. It could be because he's wearing a tight black jacket though. I don't know. He had a beard which once upon a time was just stubble.

He looked very handsome to say the least.

I slam the door, earning a "Hey, what the fuck!" From Lacey.

This isn't even your car.

I breathe in and out as I tried to gather control of myself.

Why is Bret in the backseat?

Why is he back?

Where did he go?

I'm so confused and overwhelmed.

"I forgot something." Was the quickest excuse I could come up with.

So many thoughts ran through my head as I turned around and walked to my front door. When I got inside, I didn't know whether to feel excited or angry.

I came to the conclusion to feel neither.

Hearing Lacey honk the horn nonstop snapped me out of my daze.

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