2 - Be More Chill

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"Chill? Do you mean cool?" You asked, looking at the tall-ish man that appeared in your car.

"For your information, I do not." He crossed his arms. "Now, when your out in public, you will think to me."

"Think at you? Like..."

Like this? You thought in your head.

Exactly like that.

Whoa... That's trippy.

He chuckled. "Now, we're going shopping."

You scrunched your face a bit. "Why?"

"Because judging by your choice of clothes, and hairstyle, you need help."

He paused, and you sat in silence, as you stared at him.

You sighed, and then got out of the car, going back into the mall.


You were looking at some shirts that you thought were pretty cool. You heard Squip sigh behind you.

You turned, and Squip was holding the bridge of his nose.

"You clearly have no taste... This is going to be hell..."

"Are you just going to insult me this whole time?" He opened his mouth, but didn't say anything for a minute. He just stared at me.

You felt a zap go up my spine, and you hissed.

"Think at me, do not talk to me. You look really stupid."

You crossed your arms and gave him a pouty look. Fine, whatever. And since you CLEARLY don't like my taste in clothing, or anything really, the hell do I buy?

He looked around, and eventually gave you a crop top and short ass skirt.




"(Y/n), you can't just listen. You have to obey."

You sighed. I don't like shit like this. I'm not a fucking slut. I'm more...

"The geeky loser type."

You snorted a bit. Whatever you say.

"Hm... Looking at your internet history, you have a lot of musical stuff. Mostly Dear Evan Hansen and Hamilton."

You raised an eyebrow. Are you judging me?


You sighed, and Squip made you buy a bunch of clothing he thought would make you more popular.

Once you got home, you pretty much fell onto your bed from exhaustion.

"Ugh.. What time is it?"

"9:46 pm"

"Jesus! How long did you make me stay there?"

"Just long enough for you to get all you need for tomorrow. I have plans for you, (y/n)."

"Sounds fuuuuun." You said, with jazz hands and massive sarcasm.

He zapped you, and you fell off your bed.

"Fucking worth itttt~"

He sighed.

"This is seriously going to be hard... You're stubborn... Whatever, go to bed. You have a big day tomorrow."

You went to your closet, to change, and eventually he disappeared so you good.

Thank god he isn't a perv..

You felt another zap. Once you changed, you set your alarm, and laid down in bed.

"Good night, (y/n)."

You heard from... Somewhere. You sighed, and eventually fell asleep.


Bruh I was gonna set the story in 1st person, bUT I CANNOT WRITE THAT WAY.

it's always shitty when I try.


So I hope that okay?

Reset (Squip x Reader) -Discontinued-Where stories live. Discover now