6 - My Squip

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Michael and Squip stared at each other.

"Uh... Y'all good?"

"Yeah.." Squip got up, walking over to Michael. "Hello, I am (y/n)'s Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor. Her Squip, in short." He held out his hand.

Michael hesitated, before he grabbed his hand and shook it.

"You're not hurting her, right? She's perfectly okay?" Michael asked, his grip on Squips hand tightening.

"Yes, Michael. Calm down, he's fine." You said, smiling.

Squip gave you a quick smile, before regaining his posture and his stern look.

"I love how you're trying to look all tough, but you have sparkly pen all over you." Michael says, smirking at Squip.

Squip pouted.

"(Y/n) did this, I assume." Squip sighed, nodding. "Yeah, she does that."

"I do, don't I?" You smiled, flopping yourself on your bed. "So, why'd you wanna meet Michael?"

Squip pulled up a chair, while Michael just sat on the bed next to you.

"We need to talk about Jeremy." You and Michael both looked at each other quickly, before looking down.

"I know this is a sensitive subject, but listen. There's something... Off about Jeremy's Squip.."

Michael perked up a bit. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"I'm not sure, but I can tell you, his goal is beyond what Jeremy wants. But he's connecting it to his, and is making it seem that it's what Jeremy wants."

He paused, looking at you. You tilted your head in confusion.

"I think he's up to something, and it's definitely not what he's intended for."

"He won't hurt him, right??" Michael asks, concerned.

"Right now, I don't know. I can't tell. But if he gets in the way, or resists... He might hurt him."

"Oh my god..." You mumbled. "What do we do?"

"There isn't much to do, unfortunately. Nothing is happening to Jeremy right now, he's actually helping. But, if something does go wrong, we'll have to find a way to intervene."

You nodded. "Okay, sounds good."

You all sat in silence for a few minutes, before you gained an idea.

"Hey, you guys wanna go out for Froyo?"

Michael and Squip nodded.

"Wait, Squippy-" He gave you a small shock, earning a squeal from you. "Squippy, can you eat in the form?" He gave you an annoyed stare, before sighing.

"Yes, I can."

"Fuck yes! Let's do this!"

You grabbed the boys hands, and rushed out of the house.

You all talked and laughed, walking to Pink Berry.

"Did y'all bring moneys?" You asked, tilting your head a bit. "Because I forgot-"

Michael laughed, pulling out some money.

"Shoot, I'm gonna feel bad. I'll pay you back. For Squip too."

Michael shook his head. "Don't worry about it. They only thing I ask for, is that Squippy here doesn't make you leave me."

Squippy glared at Michael for the nickname. He sighed.

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