11. Preparations

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"Do I really need to go to this... Halloween party?"

You asked, pulling your closet door open, looking for a costume of some sort.

"Jesus, it's evil in here..."

"I doubt that, and yes, you do need to go. It'll one, be good for your friendship with Jake and them. Two, I have some plans to get rid of Jeremy's Squip."

You grumbled. "But Jeremy's gonna be there... And I don't like him." you pouted.

Squip chuckled, going over to you and lifting your chin to face him. You gulped nervously. "Aww... Is lil (y/n) afraid of Jeremy?~"


"Oh. Uhhhhh- he can't do shit to you. I'll protect you, and fight off his skinny ass"

You laughed, causing him to smile softly at you. "Yeah, you and what strength?"

"Wha- this strength!" He gently grabbed you, picking you up bridal style. You squealed a bit.

"That's not fair! I'm not even that heavy!"

He laughed, setting you down again. "Now go find a costume."

You groaned again. "I don't wanna gooooo.... Can I at least invite Michael?"

He nods, and you immediately pulled out your phone to call him. He answers almost instantly, with an anxious-sounding 'Hello, (y/n)'

"Hey, Micah, Squip May have found a way to get rid of Jeremy's  Squip! Can you come with me to the Halloween party?"

He didn't say anything, and all you heard on the line was some shuffling.

"Yeah. I'll be there. I'll find a way to sneak in."

"Cool! Thanks a lot Mich-"

He hung up. You sighed, and fell back onto your bed, where Squip was. You fell onto his lap, and he started messing with your hair.

"Squip?" He hummed in response. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"I'm playing with your hair, dumbass."

You snorted. "Whatever. Wait. Oh my god, we should dress up as something together." You gasped. He started to look through the hundreds of ideas going through your head, his eyes widening.

"N o ."

"Me, you and Michael can be the Heathers!!" He groaned, slapping a hand to his forehead.

"No, stop there. I'm not doing that."

"Can we... go as Veronica and JD then...?"

You saw his face turn a light shade of blue, and he sighed in exasperation, before he nodded. "Yeah, fine, whatever." You sat up, and turned to look at him. He was pouting, the blue on his face increasing. 

You got closer to examine his face, and you gasped. "Hold on, hold on... are you... blushing?" It increased again, and he pushed your face away.

"No. Squips can't blush."

"Well apparently....they can. Because you are."

"I hate you."

"Oh my god."

"(Y/n) stop there."

"Do you have a crush on JD? Or... his actor."

He said nothing, and just pouted while blushing.

Reset (Squip x Reader) -Discontinued-Where stories live. Discover now