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Cam's P.O.V.


July 7, 1962

I knew what I said, I shouldn't have said. I knew it wasn't her fault, she had to do it. It just slipped off my tongue.

When she walked away, I could see that hateful and hurt look on her face. I knew that I wouldn't be able to do my dream by myself. Like you heard Naomi, she was always the one taking care of us. So her not being there, I could possibly get killed the first night out there.

"What was that about?" I hear behind me.

I sat down on the bench, putting my head in my hands, "I said something that shouldn't had been said."

"Whatever you did, she looked like she was ready to kill whoever she saw next." I hear them chuckle, "I'm Averman, well Lester, but the team calls me Averman."

"I'm Cameron, people call me Cam or Naomi's little brother." I answer back, lifting my head from my hands.

"I'm sure that whatever you said couldn't have been that bad, Naomi, from what I can tell, is a very understanding girl. She'll forgive you." He tried to reassure me.

"I think you have the wrong idea of Naomi." I chuckle sitting up, "She's one that if you get on her bad side she'll mess up your whole life. She doesn't play around since our dad died."

"I'm sorry to hear about you dad, that must suck not having a dad."

I nodded, "Sucks even more when we really didn't have a mom after that either."

He nodded, "Well, if you have a mom, why are you not with her and instead with the Conways?"

I looked down at the floor, "She killed herself the night before we got here. Since we aren't of age, they wanted to spilt us up into foster homes. Naomi didn't want that to happen to all of us so we broke back into our house, got our stuff, and raced out here before anyone would know."

He sat in amazement, "Wow, I'm so sorry for even asking that question. I couldn't dare to think about having your life."

I shrugged, "Well when you have Ni and a whole group of guys back there, life wasn't that much of a turndown. That very short 4 weeks we stayed there was probably the best out of my whole life."

He smiled, "Hopefully we can keep that train going and make it amazing here too."

I nodded, "We'll see about that."

He stood up, "Well, I'll see you tomorrow."

I waved and stayed in my place on the bench.

"You going to sit there all night? We have practice geek." I hear someone in front of me.

I remember those jerseys, they were the same as the boys that Naomi fought off.

"What are you doing geek? Leave!" I stood up opening the door to the side and walked into the stands and then out the door.

I shove my hands in the pockets of my jeans and watched the ground as I make my way back to the Conways.

Naomi's P.O.V.

I didn't walk with Charlie back to the apartment, but to the store to start my shift. Since Han was a really nice guy he let me come whenever to do my shifts.

He was like a grandfather figure to me. He was older, but not too old that he could barley lift his finger without shaking. He would always be somewhere close to what I was doing to make small talk.

When I told him that I was coaching the district 5 team, he was so happy that he let me come whenever I wanted, as long as it was either before or after whatever practice.

Lucy stayed with me, unlike with the sandlot gang, she isn't comfortable around the guys or Casey. She either stayed with Cam in the box, or with me where ever I went.

Since we left Utah, you could see a change with her and Cam. I mean that argument that we had before I left proves that something changed with them. Lucy is starting to see that we weren't in the same state and around the same guys.

She almost went back to mute.

I couldn't get Benny out of my head. Not like I wanted to, but I still couldn't. A few nights ago, I started to unpack my stuff in the dressers along with Lucy's and Cam's and I ran into the random things that me and Benny had together.

The pictures is what made me think about everything that had happened.

Seeing his face and how happy he was, it made me sad that I couldn't see him at all. All I wanted was to hug him again.

I walk into the store holding Lucy's hand, seeing some people that were shopping around. Han was behind the cashiers counter and when he saw me he smiled and waved.

"Hey Naomi, go clock in and get started on the skates in the back." I nodded following his orders.

I wrote on the time card the date and the time, putting it back in my place holder. Then I walked back out to the back area, to the skate sharpening station. I put safety googles on me and Lucy and then started.

July 9, 1962

Two days have passed since me and Cam got into an argument. Neither one have talked to each either, which was killing Charlie for some reason. Cam still tagged along in whatever I was doing. Like yesterday Charlie, Lucy, and I went to the strip mall again because I wanted to find some new throw on shirts. Anyways, he decided to come with us, and today we are at another practice, and he decided to come with us as well. We just kept our distance and I guess Charlie didn't know who to side with, so he was stuck in the middle. Which I guess is what was bothering him.

"Okay listen team, we have about 2 weeks until the playoffs start. I want us to not be known as the regrets anymore, you guys have really came along within this short 2 weeks that I've been working with you. So let's start on some drills and t-" I was trying to explain till I heard the big door slam close behind me.

I turn around to see a middle aged man standing there looking at the pee-wee banners hanging on the wall.

"Excuse me sir! Can I help you?" I yell out to him.

"Depends," he answered turning back around towards us, "are you guys the district five team?" He called back.

I nodded, "Yes why?"

"By the state of Minnesota, I'm the new coach of this team." He answered and walked into the ice.

"I'm sorry, I think there's a mistake, I'm the coach for this team."

"There's no mistake, but I don't really want to be here, so I could care less." He answered, starting to walk down the stairs, and over to the box where I was standing.

"Then why are you?" I crossed my arms.

He put his hands in his pockets, "I have to be. So let's see what this team gots."

"Scrimmage." I call out to the team and turn so I was looking out at the ice. I could see in the corner of my eye him sitting down on the bench beside me, doing the same thing I was; watching.

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