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Naomi's P.O.V.

August 10, 1962

"Naomi! Naomi! Naomi!" I hear people chant as my bed began to move.

I open my eyes, seeing Charlie and Cam jumping on my bed, "Get down!"

They chuckle as they got off.

"What time is it?" I mumble as I move my body to lay on my stomach.

"It's almost 11, you need to get ready, or you're going to be late." Cam said.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes, pulling my legs to one side of the bed, "Okay, then get out so I can get ready."

"Geez, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I heard one of them mumble.

I stood up like I was about to hurt them, so they laugh as they ran out of the door.

I shook my head as I started to get ready.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth and hair, then walked out going to my room, and changed into something comfortable since we didn't have a work uniform. Then walked back out making sure to grab my bag, and close the door behind me.

I walked into the kitchen, getting a piece of bacon off of the plate, smiling at Casey.

"Cam, you're watching Lucy today, I can not be late again, Han might actually fire me." I call out and before he could argue with me, I closed the door to the apartment and pulled out my keys from my bag.

I walked out, then down the sidewalk to where my truck was parked. That's when I saw a note under my windshield wiper. I rolled my eyes thinking it was a parking ticket, but when I unfolded it open. It was a note.

"What the hell?" I ask myself.

It was a hand written letter, it read:

'You haven't shown up to the places that I've asked for you. Last chance Naomi. Meet me tonight at the Woodlen Heights Park. You better be there, we have to talk.'

I refolded the note, shoving it into my back pocket as I look around. No one was staring at me, or looked weird, so I just opened my car door, hopped in, and drove in the direction of the store.

"Morning Naomi!" Han calls as I walk through the door like he always does.

"Han, remember that guy that would come in here and ask about me?" I asked as I put my stuff on the counter then stopped and looked over at him.

He nods as he watches me put my stuff down on the counter.

"I think I know who it is." I paused as I looked over at his face, "I don't think this is going to end well either."

"Are you really going to go to the park with this man? That isn't really safe Naomi. He could kill you for all you know." Han tried to get me not to go.

I lifted my bag over my shoulder looking over at him, "I'll be fine Han, promise."

I started to walk out of the store and to my car.

"You don't know that for sure Naomi, maybe you should wait around here, he'll come back to ask about you, just stay here." He pleaded as he followed after me.

I hopped into the car, closing the door behind me, he stood at the door looking up at me, "Seriously, you're like my grandchild, I couldn't see them getting hurt, so I don't want to see you getting hurt."

I smile, "That's sweet Han, really, but I'm going anyways, I'm a fighter, and whoever this is wants to fight, well they got one. Don't worry about me, you'll see me tomorrow."

I turned on the car and he walked back over to the sidewalk, "Please be careful Naomi!"

I nodded, saluting him, then driving to the Woodlen Heights Park.

I pull into the parking lot, right in front of the grand sign, putting my truck into park. I look around trying to see if I would see anyone, but didn't. I turned off my car, then got out, closing the door behind me.

I sigh, and walked into the park, finding a somewhat hidden park bench, and sat down. I cross my legs, looking down at the brick path, waiting for whoever was this man that keeps asking more me.

After a little while, my questions got answers.

I felt someone sit next to me on the bench. I look over to see Banks sitting there, looking around at the park, but never made eye contact with me.

I roll my eyes, "So it's you that's been asking around about me. What do you want Banks?"

"Your coach, he's planning on getting the pee-wee board to move me over from the hawks to the mighty ducks next year." He explained.

I look back down at the brick, "What does that have to do with me?"

"You and your stupid team are going to leave me and mine alone. You guys always get jealous of our team and are trying to break it up." He Said starting to get angry.

"You and your stupid team better leave me and mine alone. Last time I heard, you guys lost to our team, so what do we have to be jealous about?" I said getting mad as well.

"Then why are you trying to do?" He answered my question with a question.

I rolled my eyes, "The mighty Ducks isn't my team, yeah I cheer for them and support them, but I don't play with them. So why don't you ask them. I ain't trying to break you guys up, all I'm going to do is break your guys face. Now leave me and the team alone, and I'll do the same for you. Got it?"

He put his hand out, "Shake on it."

I roll my eyes putting my head into his, "Whatever."

"So are we cool now?" He asked, as I stood up.

I look down at him since he was still sitting on the bench, "Who do you think I am? You haven't gained me as a friend, but also not as an enemy."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"We aren't friends, but I'm not going out of my way to beat the shit out of you either." I explained.

I turn around and walked back out to the parking lot. Finding my truck with an ease, and hopping in.

"Wait!" Banks called out to me, running over to my side of the car, "Would you mind driving me home?"

"Pffft," I paused looking over at him, then rolled my eyes, "Get in the damn car."

He smiled running to the passenger side, opening the door, and also getting in. I grab my bag throwing it into the back.

"Now where does your rich ass live?" I ask, pulling out from my spot.

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