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Naomi's P.O.V

August 8, 1962

I twist a pen in my right hand as my head was set on my other. My eyes were set on the paper on the table below me.

It was Sunday, so I didn't have to go to work today, it was about 5 in the afternoon, so Casey would be getting home at any time. Charlie and Cam went out doing god knows what, but I didn't really care, when I was they're age I would doing god knows what too.

It was the post card that Han had given me. I still had no idea what to write, I wanted to tell him that I was safe, but there wouldn't be enough room to write everyone on this little 4 x 6 postcard.

"Maybe you could put our house phone number, so you can talk to him. I bet hearing his voice would cure whatever funk your in." I hear.

I look up from the postcard to see Casey standing in the doorway of the kitchen. I put the pen down and crossed my arms leaning back into the chair.

"I don't even know what to tell him. This isn't just a little postcard from a vacation this is a postcard to tell him that I'm alive." I paused looking down at the postcard, "How would I even say any of that on a postcard?"

She sat down at the table next to me, grabbing a paper, and then the pen. Then started to write something on the paper. I sat up, looking at what she was doing, then when she was done, she slid the paper over to me.

I looked down at the paper, and started to read what she had put:

- Hey Benny, it's me, Naomi, I wanted to tell you that I had it safe. I'm in Minnesota, I've found a place to stay and work. Maybe we can actually talk, call me sometime.

Insert number here

I grin down at it, "Thanks Casey."

She smiled and stood up from the table, "We better get a call."

I nodded and started to copy what she had put in the paper, on the postcard.

August 9, 1962

"Morning Naomi!" I hear as I open the door of the store.

"Morning Han." I call back walking to the office and writing the time on my time card. Then returning back out and walking to the counter, putting my stuff down.

"Some came looking for you again yesterday. Told them you weren't working." He paused walking over to the other side of the counter, "Are you sure that you don't know who this is?"

I shrug, "Can you describe what this person looked like?"

"Male, teenager, couldn't be older then you, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes. Seems like he could be an athlete. Almost as tall as you, could be taller." He explained this person.

"Did he happen to be wearing some kind of jersey or something?" I asked another question, I could possibly know who this person was.

He shook his head, "He was in and out. But he wasn't wearing a jersey. Are you positive that you didn't know this guy?"

"I don't know Han." I answered, putting my bag under the counter.

"So tell me, where's Lucy?" He asked walking somewhere behind me.

"She wanted to go with Cam and Charlie going out to do something." I explained, then walking over to the store, putting things away.

"Seems fun. Listen, a couple of nights ago, there was some kid that decided to play hockey out in the street. Anyways, I went out and saw that a punk went through a window. Would you mind to go check it out? I would but I can't move around and see what happened since I'm so old."

I nodded walking to the front door, "What exactly am I supposed to do?"

"See what was damaged. If it's something I should call in, or just replace."

I walked out of the store, turning left, then getting into view of the bay window out front. It was only one window, the small one on the side of the grand window. It wasn't horrible, but I knew that Han probably wouldn't be able to fix it either.

I walk back inside and look around for Han, finally finding him, "I would call it in, the wood that held the glass in place is also broken, which is probably something you wouldn't be able to fix."

He nodded, "Thank you. Did you happen to hear or see anything? Were you here when it happened?"

I shook my head, "Nothing that I remember."

He nodded picking up the phone so I walked out of the office sitting on the stool behind the counter, going through some papers.

"Have you looked for any other jobs?" Casey asks as we cook in the kitchen.

"Why would I do that when I already have a job?" I question cutting some vegetables.

"I knew that you wanted to go back to Utah, but Han also told me that you couldn't have all the money to get there until September, and he said that you could get another job. I was just seeing if you did or are looking."

I shook my head, "I already told him that I wasn't going to look for one. That's too much stress on me, I have two to look after and I have the one job. Being here for another 2 months is the least of my concerns, of anything during that time can get my prepared for everything. Set an actual plan."

She nodded, "Seems fair, are you planning on leaving right when the kids go back to school?"

I shrug, "I don't know what my plan is. I just need money. That's what the next 2 months are for. They're for planning."

"Why don't you get another job, but still leave in September? You'll have more money, and you'll still be leaving at the same time. Just because you would get the money faster doesn't mean that you have the leave that instant." She suggested.

I sigh, "The money, and having it isn't the concern. I have 2 kids with my too, Casey. I might need money, but I still need to be there for them. I still have to be the mother that they never really got. I still have responsibilities. And your hours changed, what about Charlie? Someone has to be around."

She nodded, "I get it, it's fine."

"You must really want me out of here, don't you?" I joked.

"Oh no honey, that's not what I mea-"

I cut her off, "I'm joking, it's fine."

She half grinned getting back to whatever she was making.

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