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Naomi's P.O.V.


July 14, 1962

Days were becoming shorter but only because of the longer practices that we were having. It was becoming only hockey that we spoke. Gordon has got them new equipment, so when we all matched we actually looked like a team.

He also gave us a name. 'The Ducks'

It was kind of a stupid name, but once we got used to it, it was pretty cool. Next week was the starting of the playoffs. The team was close to ready but, they still had work. Gordon was doing a great job with them, they weren't as embarrassing as they thought they were.

It was cool though, I mean we're a team, actually playing. This isn't something that I'm used to. I'm used to playing with the same 9 guys and never keep score. But now knowing this is something really important for Gordon, they're going all in.

I haven't tried to coach, because I'm not really one myself, but I still come to the practices just to see them. The drills that I was doing with them, they forgot about, which I'm fine with. Again, I'm not a coach, so I don't really care.

As Gordon told them to do a drill, he skates back over to me where I sat in the players box.

"There a reason why you don't skate? Or even play with them?" I look up at Gordon who held on hand on the wall leaning against it.

I shrugged, "I don't have skates, and I never really felt like I should be out there."

"Is that code for I can't skate?" He joked.

"No, I can roller blade, but I've never actually skated. It's weird, I'm a baseball player." I mumbled.

"I feel that there is more to the story then just that." He remarked but right before I could answer he skated back to the center.

July 21, 1962

I sat right behind the box of my team at the first ever game of the year. I have Lucy and Cameron with me. Cam and I talked out our differences so we fix arguing anymore.

I look up at the clock and score board seeing we had one minute and we were down by two. I bounce my leg anxious.

By the way they were skating and traveling, ya could tell they were tired, but Gordon hadn't switch out the players yet.

"Gordon!" I yell to him.

He turned around looking at me, "What?"

"Look at them, they're tired, switch the players!" I command.

He turned back around, taking my advice and switched them. Then he call time, and tried to get a plan of how to get the upper hand.

That's when he looked up at me, "What should we do?"

"Huh?"  I asked confused, why the hell would he be asking me? L

"What move should we pull? We only have less then a minutes to win this. Hurry and do something." He replied.

"Statue of liberty." I stated.

He smirked and called time. Sending them back in.

We watch steadily, everyone at the edge of their seats.

They trick the players on the opposite team into thinking that Fulton had the puck, so as he was raising his arm to shoot for the goal, everyone became scared and paused what they were doing. Then coming around the other side of the rink was little Connie with the puck and scoring it right into it, giving us 2 points advantage.

I jump out of my seat excited that the plan actually worked.

I look up at the score board seeing it was now 20 seconds left into the game and we were tied. The ref come skating over to Gordon explaining something to him, but I couldn't tell what he was saying. But he nodded and turned back to the team who was now huddled up.

"Charlie I think you should do it. Finish what you started." Gordon said patting on his shoulder.

"What?" Charlie asked confused.

"Last game you were going to score the last goal but missed. Finish this game by scoring the last goal. Have you been working on the triple deke?" Gordon asked, which Charlie nodded in response.

He skated out to the center of the rink, putting on his helmet in the process. I clasp my hands together and keep my eye on charlie.

He skates around the punk 3 times, then reaches and starts to pass the punk back and forth, skating down to the goal.

The room was kind of still for a moment as we watch Charlie skating. He and the goalie were the only ones that were on the ice, so only looking at the excitement between the two, wasn't very hard.

I see Charlie move to the left, only to trick the goal and then immediately move to the right and shot in the punk. The siren and lights go off saying that Charlie just won our last goal.

Me and the rest of the mighty duck family members jump up and scream and cheer.


Charlie comes skating back to the box where everyone stood, and then started hugging and giving them high fives.

I smile clapping my hands, "GOOD JOB CHARLIE!"

He looks up in the crowd, making eye contact with me, and smiled. I smile back.

People are starting to leave with the team and heading back home. Today was Saturday, a very prideful Saturday.

The last month that I've been here, I've been thinking about actually going back to Utah, and finding something to do over there. Maybe I could get my old job back, and then I could find some place for Cam, Lucy, and me.

But then again, I would now be leaving my new friends. They've been so nice and Charlie and Casey have been so open and friendly, I couldn't possibly think of somewhere else to be.

But now that they are going back to school, I'll probably be full time at the store, which is good money, but that means I'll not living my whole life like I wanted to.

I wanted to go back to school, and keep going, but at this rate, I'm going to be needing money in order to keep us alive. I can't let Casey always be paying for us, not to mention that already have taken over her house. Her bills are probably off the roof now.

We all walk over to Casey's car, cramping in, and then driving back to the apartment. We still the prideful smiles on your faces.

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