Chapter 4: Suspicion

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Chapter 4- Suspicion
Walking through the nest, many of the senior Ravens were looking at my bond spirit, who I wanted to call Git, but Rin decided we should call him Void. They were talking in hushed whispers, but I could make out some of what they were saying.
“Is that a Vortex?” 
“How did a hatchling catch one of those?!”
“Her mentor must have helped her!”
It made me uncomfortable. I don't like being the center of attention. Being there never ended well for me. Walking faster I opened the large oak doors to the outside. After reaching the bottom of the steps with Void and Rin behind me I was stopped by a boy. He was also a Raven and had been part of the nest for about a year and a half before me. His bond spirit was a poltergeist.
“How'd you ‘catch’ that? Did your mentor give it to you?”
He said, with a scowl on his face.
“No, I caught HIM by myself.”
I don't know why, but I hate it when people refer to ghosts as things. They were living human beings before, and they still have emotions. They are a him or her, not an it.
“Uh-huh, suuure. There's no way a wimpy hatchling like you caught a Vortex. Those things are almost impossible to get. How did you even know they exist? You couldn't have. You don't learn that until your first year is over!”
“Well, maybe I found out about them beforehand. Now excuse me we are getting some food.”
And with that, I pushed past him.
“C'mon Void.”
“Psshh, you gave it a name!”
I whipped around and slapped him in the face. Turning back around, I quickly walked away before either him or Rin could say anything. Of course Rin scolded me when he caught up but, it was worth it.

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