Chapter 8: Trauma

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Last week’s events messed me up. I’ve become terrified of practically everyone. I can’t go anywhere without either Void out, or Rin with me. When I first collected myself enough to speak, I asked what happened to the man. Rin told me he got 5 years jail time. Knowing he was locked up helped me go anywhere at all. I asked if he had been kicked out. Rin grimly responded.
“No… he hasn’t, don’t bother asking me why, I have no idea why they’re keeping him.”
I was furious. They’ll lock him up but let him keep his job. He’s supposed to protect the living, not hurt them. Later when I calmed down, I asked Void why he had helped me.
“I mean, I didn't tell you to. I didn’t even ask.”
Looking away he responded.
“Just because you're a dumbass doesn’t mean I want you dead.”
I smiled. Well, tried to. I knew it wouldn’t be worth trying to get myself and my life back together by this point. I was planning on changing it anyway. The “just” Head Ravens clearly had no concern for the members of the nest. And if they did care about any of them, I clearly wasn’t one of them. I’ll get back at them, I just need to figure out how...

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