Chapter 4 ★ America

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  "Ah, it's good to be back." 

    Alfred F. Jones was jumping from roof to roof, all the way to Buckingham Palace. Insane? Yes. Boring? Not so much. Alfred was the Demon King, and he could do just about anything- or at least, that's what he thought. As highly as he thought of himself, he was no where near the 'hero' title he had claimed to be.

  When he had just been released from his seal, the first thing he did was pounce poor Viet, who's dark amber eyes were wide with terror. Quite the first impression. Of course, Alfred apologized to the the two sisters, for he had no purpose of attacking his own kind. He thanked them graciously for awakening them, introduced himself, and gave them a brief history of why he was trapped.

"Basically, I kinda pissed off the Arch-Angel of Heaven, and she sealed me away." He had explained with a silly smile. 

  But when he heard Alice was dead, a sense of wrong hit him. He tried to forget that grieving sensation in his heart, but it was so very hard for him. Alfred was her enemy, and vice-versa. So why did he feel like a part of him was missing? As odd as it was, Viet nor Mei had noticed a change in his attitude, although he certainly felt it. 

  After being asleep for so long, Alfred asked many questions, one of his many traits as a demon. 

"How's Matthew and Peter?"

"They're doing well. I actually tutor Peter in math!"

"Mom and dad?"

"Same as always."

"Did they give Peter the game room he wanted?"

"Yeah. What's that got to do with anything?"

"Does anyone besides Peter, mom, and dad notice Matthew?"


"Has anyone messed with my room or touched my stuff?"

"Not even Master Matthew can bear to go in there."

"Did the U.S.A. win the FIFA world cup?"

"No. Is this really important?"

"Did they come out with the new Super Smash Bros game yet?"

"You really have a short attention span, don't you?"


     After catching up with the present (and sadly finding out that America lost it's match to Germany in the world cup), he received his first mission.

"Here," Viet had said, still shaken up from the scare Alfred gave her, "Master Oliver and Mistress Guinevere wanted us to give this to you." 

  Alfred had grinned down at the paper, reading off the lines of his mother's fine cursive.

"Good to see you're up and at it dear! I'm sure you'll be happy to find out all the amazing surprises we have for you at home, though we need you to perform a very important task for us. Daddy and Mommy have all ways loved Buckingham Palace, but it needs a new paint job, don't ya think? Do you think you can fix it up for us? We would be oh so grateful for that! We sent you some extra workers who would be FABULOUS for the job! Take good care of them and give them our blessings! Teehee, I know you won't fail us! We'd like to recommend hot pink, bright blue, and blood-shot red. Thanks!


                  Mattie says hello and Peter says hey, hurry up and get home! 

                                     With Love, Kisses, Hugs, Smiles, and Sweets,

                                         Your Daddy Oliver and Mummy Guinevere"

   And so, he followed his family's orders. Including Peter, who had told him to hurry up and come home. A smile touched his lips as he remembered the good old days with his brothers. He couldn't wait to get home. But of course, there were a few obstacles in the way. One, he was ordered to bring Xiao Mei and Viet with him. If there was one thing he learned from his experience earned from the long battle with the English Witch of Heaven, it was that he worked best alone. He didn't like to be alone, but when it came to work, he needed to maintain a professional look. Also, he didn't like to involve people with his own work.

  The second obstacle was all those angels after them.

"King Alfred! Angels, 12 o'clock!" Xiao Mei shouted to him.

"Got it!" Alfred shouted back. He smirked. 

   Alfred hadn't eaten anything for 2 decades, let alone fought an angel. He was prepared. But one thing he didn't count for was Angels surrounding them from each side. 

"My apologies if I'm a little rusty!" Alfred called back to his partners. He turned his head to see an angel with his eyes glowing gold.

"A recording spell, eh? Classic."

 He grinned deviously at the angel, and pushed up from the roof of the building. Alfred shot high up into the air and came crashing down on the angel's head. As more angels surrounded him, he punched, kicked, and fought as hard as he could. Xiao Mei was using her own martial arts techniques on her enemies, and Viet was using her boat paddle as a weapon. Finally, when all the angels were either eaten by Alfred, dead, or knocked out, they continued on towards the palace.

"This is going to be a long field trip, isn't it Viet?" Xiao Mei chimed to her sister as they hopped from roof to roof.

"Mei, we're it's not a road trip unless you're riding something. And besides, wouldn't it be easier to fly to the palace? It would certaintly save us time and energy." Viet pointed out rather rudely.

"Viet! You should address Master Alfred!" Mei scolded.

"Nah, it's fine." Alfred told Xiao Mei. "But there is a logic behind the madness. If we fly, then people will notice us quickly, and guardian angels will be called onto the scene. We want to save the surprise attack for the Palace, not the public. And besides, I'm super hungry for some good ol' cheeseburgers." Alfred explained.

"But you're eating angels." Viet retorted.

"They'll suffice." Alfred laughed.


  Finally, Alfred's hungry appetite was quenched after 5 whole groups of angels were eaten. And after eating that many angels, he had enough strength to go head-to-head with Hercules. Not only that, but they finally arrived at Buckingham Palace. Xiao Mei, Viet, and Alfred all sat on the edge of the building closest to the Palace gates. They watched as a plethora of soldiers clad in red entered into the palace via the huge black and gold gates at the main entrance. It was an amazing site to watch. Even Viet was taken aback, but in her usual way. 

"That, is the stupidest military uniform ever." Viet scowled upon the British militants.

"It's a'old tradition. Even America has'em ya know." Alfred said, with a smile. "Though I will say, they look rather silly. It'd be lots of fun to mess around with them!"

"I think they look like little soldier boys! So cute!" Xiao Mei giggled.

  Once the soldiers had left, the trio of demons hopped over the barred gates, entering the Palace grounds un-noticed. 

"Now," Alfred exclaimed happily, "let's go wreak some havoc!"



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