Chapter 6 ★ America

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  "I didn't know we had another gue-"

   Shock took over Alfred. His heart skipped a beat and he couldn't move. Every limb in his body went numb. For a second, his mind went blank. His eyes couldn't comprehend such a sight. After that second of nothing, something happened in his brain.

  One part of him wanted to pounce whoever that guy was and beat him to a pulp.

  The other part of him wanted to hug him.

   And then, anger one. Alfred clenched the handles of the throne so hard they snapped under his power. A flicker of rage danced across his face.

"I demand you leave this place right this instance!" The angel demanded. "Or in the name of the just lord, you will be punished." Whoever this guy was was keeping his cool pretty well.

Alfred examined him from afar. He had the same hair blonde hair as Alice. He had the same glowing viridian eyes that reminded you of summer just like Alice did. He wasn't built very well muscle wise, but he did have the same calculating gaze Alice did. Always watching, always strategizing, always calculating. There was a regal look to him, as if he knew his prescence was worth something. Although every angel had the same pair of white feathered wings, his were different. They looked snow white, crested with silver tips that shone radiantly. They were larger than any other angel Alfred had seen, except for one- Alice Kirkalnd.

"And who's demanding Mr.Gentleman?" Alfred shot back.

"How rude of me. My name is Arthur Kirkland, guardian angel in training." Arthur answered, his voice unwavering,

  Alfred was done with him. He wanted nothing to do with Alice kirkland, let alone some 'Arthur' Kirkland.

"Xiao Mei. Viet. Stand down. This is my fight. Go back to Hell and send in your reports." Alfred commanded.

"Yes sir! Good luck Master Alfred!" Xiao Mei chimed. "Good luck." Viet said rather dryly. A a tube of scorching flames devoured them, and they disappeared.

  Alfred's eyes never left the angel in front of him.

"Ready to dance?" Alfred grinned maniacally at the blonde in front of him.

"Atleast we British know better than to square dance like hillbillies." Arthur jeered.

  Alfred shot off the throne and pounced the angel.


  Arthur wasn't even prepared when Alfred pounced. Alfred smashed the angel into the wall, his grip on the blonde's throat deadly. The more the angel struggled under his strength, the tighter Alfred's hands squeezed. Arthur struggled to breathe.

"Who the hell do you think you are, waltzing in here like you know me?" Alfred spoke through gritted teeth, trying to control his rage.

  Arthur gasped for air, his lungs burning.

"I asked you a question. Answer me!" Alfred shouted, his lips curled up in a growl.

"I a-already told you..." Arthur answered. "...I-I'm Arthur Kirkland.."

  Alfred punched the wall, a hair away from Arthur's golden head.

"Stop fucking with me, amd give me a real answer!"

"Depends... What do you want to hear?" England gasped, a snide smile on his lips, taunting Alfred.

  Alfred remembered that smile like it was yesterday.

  "Oi! Alfred! Let's go shoot some targets. I bet I can hit bullseye more times than you can!" A sweet British accent called out.

Out of surprise, Alfred loosened his grip. Arthur seized the moment and slipped out of his grip. Alfred felt a tear slip down his cheek. Why was he crying? This was no time to cry!

"H-How....?" Alfred stuttered.

"It's called mind resonance magic. It's what angels use to read the minds of humans who need help." Arthur explained.

  Alfred clenched his fists. He couldn't believe it. He was tricked already, falling to his knees, giving into the enemy before the battle could even start. Rage took over, and he flung out of control. Alfred turned, throeing punches wildly. Arthur easily dodged all of them, until Alfred gave into fatigue.

"You're still caught up on her death, huh? You don't know how to deal with it because you've never really had to deal with the pain of death." Arthur looked down on him. "If Alice was here she would be ashamed. She'd want you to go back to being the man she once thought you were."

  With one hook punch, Arthur went flying into the wall.

"You think you cam give me a lecture on Alice, huh? How dare you tell me what she would be thinking, that 'if she was here'... She's right in front of me isn't she? I know that you're in there Alice..Stop hiding behind a fake cover and come out here, so I can I watch you as you die this time, with my own two eyes..." Alfred raised his fist, his hand emgulfed in burning blue flames. "DIE!"

  It all happened so fast. Arthur's eyes widened in creeping terror, anf he raised his hand to stop whatever was his coming his way... He closed his eyes and said a quick prayer. If he were to die here, he wondered what would happen to the demon about to kill him. And as he waited for Death to take his life...

  Nothing happened.

Arthur opened his eyes. The demon in front of him had his fist raised in the air, and eyes open in shock. A cut on his cheek was bleeding. Arthur realized he was holding something in his right hand.

"A gold bow...?"

  There was an arrow stuck in the wall when Arthur realized what was going on. Alice Kirkland was famous for her use of the magical golden bow, the Sun Bow, that need not a quiver nor drawstring, but a user with a heart of pure gold. She was the protector of that bow, and used it wisely. And so, when she was reincarnated, the bow was passed on to him.

  Arthur brought up his leg and kicked Alfred backwards. He seized the moment, and with accuracy so great, he shot the demon four times. Each arrow was close to the heart.

"Make one more move, and you're dead." Arthur spat, venom tracing his words.

"Tsk." Alfred smirked. "I know when I'm not wanted. But don't think you'll be so lucky next time we meet."

  And with that, the demon disappeared, leaving Arthur alone, once again.


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