Chapter 3 ☆ England

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"Amelia! What's going on?! For God's sake, tell me!"

  Arthur followed the Head Angel through the corridors of angel HQ, terrified and livid. So many questions were forming in his head, and his brain was running in 50 different directions at the speed of light. His heart was pounding harder than drums, and felt like everyone could hear it.

"If you could just be so kind and let me work up to that, than maybe I could! But right now, you're going to have work with me and be patient!" Amelia exclaimed, basically flying down the hallways, running as fast as she could towards her office.

  Once they arrived, she threw the door open, and pushed Arthur in. She didn't even bother to apologize. As fast as she could, she slammed the door closed on him, and locked it.

  Arthur slammed on the doors as hard as he could. Amelia wouldn't budge. He grabbed the handle and pulled as hard as he could, with no results. Not even a crack.

"Amelia! Open the damn door! What the bloody hell are you thinking?!" Arthur yelled, kicking the door as hard as he could.

"Iggy, cal-"

"Don't call me that! If you don't open this door I swear Amelia!"

"Listen to me for once Arthur! Please, I'm begging you!"

"You leave me no choice Amelia."

  Arthur took his wand out, ready to cast a spell. He used the strongest incantation he had, but it was no use. The door had a magic-repelling spell on it. Even an angel who was related to God himself couldn't open that door. Arthur's eyes widened in terror.

"Listen to me Arthur! You're keeping your little ass right there! I am not going to open the door, and I am not letting you out of my sight under any circumstances!" Amelia shouted from the other side of the door.

  Arthur gritted his teeth.

"Oh bite me Amelia! I will get out of here!" Arthur shouted back, rage laced on every word.

"And then what?" Amelia retorted. "You don't even know what the hell is going on! Give me a break Arthur."

  He flinched. Arthur knew she was right. But he was too stubborn to give up. He went to go kick the door again, but he stopped.

Everything just stopped.

  Arthur's head began to spin as dizziness took over. His legs gave out under his weight and his arms began to tremble. A burning pain in his heart began to spread across his chest like wildfire. Arthur screamed, scratching and gripping to the floor, unable anything.

"Arthur! Listen to me!" Amelia screamed, tears stinging her eyes. "I know what's going on! Trust me, trust me that I will fix this! Just stay here Arthur!"

And she left the poor angel, who's heart was burning.


  Arthur was laying on the floor when all of a sudden, the burning pain in his heart stopped. He was shaking, but he stood up with the help of the wall.

  Arthur may be a stubborn, inconsiderate ass that was a horrible drunk and couldn't cook, but that was no excuse to lock him up. He hobbled over to Amelia's desk and sat down. The moment he did, the phone rang.


  The blonde jumped, and then sheepishly answered the phone after fumbling with the cord.

"Who is it?" He asked. Arthur was in Amelia's office, so he couldn't just say 'Arthur Kirkland here, how may I help you?'.

"Who else dummy?" Amelia retorted sarcastically.

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