Samon x reader

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"Beat it, monkey boy"

"The hell did you just say?!"

You are a guard in Nanba Prison, but you work with Mitsuru at headquarters. Right now, you're taking a break in the guard room. Which brings us to what's happening now.

The moment you arrived in Nanba, you and Samon NEVER got along. Just like Hajime. But Samon's and Hajime's rivalry is just because the former's just frustrated that the latter is stronger than him. With you however, it's because you thought he's obnoxious and likes to throw trash everywhere, while he thinks you're just plain bossy.

"You're making a fucking mess in here with popsicle wraps everywhere! I guess growing up in the mountains really did a number on your brain, huh?!" You yelled at him.

"I'll pick it up later! Can you not always stick your nose into my business every time we're in the guard room? I've got a headache dealing with paperwork everyday and now with listening to your loud ass, is just making it worse." Samon pinches the bridge of his nose

"That's why I'm saying if you wish to make a mess, at least do it in your building. I came here to take a break and not be engulfed in trash." You cross your arms over your chest, narrowing your eyes at the man.

As the two of you continue to bicker with each other, the rest of the guards in the building just sweatdropped by listening to both of your antics. It's always like this in the guard room. It's also like your the new mama Kiji, but worse.

"Can't they just yell at each other somewhere else?" Hajime growled.

"It doesn't matter. It's always happening wherever we go." Kenshirou types on the keyboard of his laptop, his eye glued to the screen.

"But don't you guys think it's getting a bit worse every time?" Kiji worriedly ask the guards. They all nod.

"He even seems more annoyed when he's with her than me." Mao stated.

'Everyone's annoyed with you.' the guards thought while silently looking at the cat guard.

Just then, they heard a loud yell coming from you followed by a crash. All the guards turned their heads at you and Samon just to witness a fist fight.

Samon had his hand gripped tightly on the collar of your guard uniform and the other trying to punch you, while you had one hand holding his arm that's trying to punch you and the other hand gripping his hair while pushing his head backwards.

The two of you continued to push each other off but it seemed futile because you were just as strong as Samon. Then Samon kicked your knee which made you lose balance for a bit. It gave Samon the opportunity to pin you to the wall with his hand gripping your neck.

"Gah...!" You were trying to pry off his hand but it he was gripping it real good.

The rest of the guards all stood up alarmed by your cry, then Kiji stepped in trying to get Samon to release you, while Hajime went to you holding you back from pouncing on the monkey.

" two are literally acting like animals right now." Hajime deadpanned.

"Samon! What in the world do you think you're doing?? Starting a fight between guard are against the rules! You could've hurt her even more if it weren't for us stopping you." Kiji lectured Samon like a mother would.

Samon growled at the pheasant and glared at you. That glared soften into a worried expression when you wouldn't stop coughing trying to get enough oxygen into your lungs.

When you regained some strength, you stood up straight again then glared at Samon, not before giving him a slap on the face. Without a single glance at him, or the rest of your colleagues, you stormed out from the guard room to go back to headquarters.

The utter silence in the room made Samon realised...

He went too far.

The truth was Samon enjoyed your company even when you two fight all the time. He always liked it when you give him attention, or even just talked to him, it made him feel warm inside. Although sometimes your arguments went a bit far, he tried to back down so it wouldn't end up him laying a finger on you.

But with the additional paperwork that was giving him a hard time, it seems that he forgot today.

The silence was broken when Kiji let out a loud sigh, "I never thought you, out of all people would actually do that to her."

"Hah? What are you taking about?" Samon narrowed his eyes at him

"I mean it's obvious that you like her don't you?" Kiji stated

Samon blushed red, "W-What are you on about you damn bird?!"

"It's pretty obvious you obnoxious monkey. Honestly (Y/N) could do better." Hajime lights up a cigarette

"Just go to her and work things out! Tell me all about it later." Kiji teases Samon

Without wasting any time, Samon rushed out from the guard room to find you. He ran as fast as he can to get to you before you manage to ride the monorail back to headquarters. He knows that Nanba Prison is a big ass place so he needs to do it quickly before you get too far.

He finally saw you sitting on a bench waiting for the monorail with a solemn look on your face. You were pretty upset with Samon after what he did to you.


You quickly shot up your head to find Samon with his hands on knees while trying to catch his breath after running.

You clicked your tongue and turned your head away from him "what do you want?"

"A-are you okay?" He asks

"And why do you care?"

"I asked if you were okay" Samon boldly retorts back.

"I'm fine okay. Just leave me alone" You coldly answered and glared at him.

"It's not okay!" He suddenly shouts.

It was a good thing that no one was there except the two of you.

You were startled but quickly recovered at his sudden outburst.

"It's not okay because it doesn't change the fact that I hurt you. I'm sorry (Y/N). I never meant to get it so out of control, even after I promised myself that I never want to hurt you. I'm really sorry. The truth is that I...."

You were in awe because he actually apologized to you first. Honestly, you were the one who wanted to apologize first because you knew that you were bothering him. But it's just your way of trying to get closer to him. You liked Samon, no,

You loved him.

You couldn't help but notice a red tint slowly forming on his cheeks as he was trying to finish his sentence. You were starting to get the hint, but you want to hear it from him.

"You....?" You slowly encouraged him to continue.

"I...I like you. At this point, Samon blushed so hard that could rival a tomato.

It was no doubt that you were blushing too.

"I-I understand of you don't feel the same way after what happy today." His face saddens, "But I hope you can forgive me."

Before he could take another step away. You quickly grabbed his hand and halted him.

He looked back to see you giving him a soft smile with a light blush on your face.

"I forgive you, and I'm sorry too. I guess I am a nosey person to you. But we can change that. To be honest, I really like you too." You gave him the sweetest smile you can and it doesn't fail to fill his stomach with butterflies.

"Yeah, let's help each other to change for the better." He smiles and leans in closer to you.

"Yeah, let's do that." You lean in too.

Both of your first kiss will always be remembered as soft and sweet.


Boi this is really the longest one so far

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