two :

395 15 1


room : yanmei's room
people : yanmei
condition : sleeping


the sound of my phone ringing makes me open my eyes. i sit up and pick my phone up that fell on the phone during the night and press the green answer button.

i clear my throat, "hello, how may i help you?" i speak and swing my legs off my bed, making my body face the window with the view of a decently looking blue sky.

"YANMEI! oh god, we need your help," i immediately recognize rome's voice speaking. "we'll be there in ten minutes! JISUNG, WATCH THE FUCKING ROAD," i reach for my tablet that sits on my nightstand and close the video that is playing on it.


"who's hurt?" i ask, opening a screen to write on.

rome answers as i write their names on my tablet, "taeyong, tae il, hendery, and lucas are all messed up. everyone else is fine, we can deal with the small knicks and stuff."

"okay, are you holding pressure on someone's wounds?" i ask. i get out of my bed and grab my medical bag.

"uh yea, i've got-" the sounds of beeping cars silences rome's voice. "-and a bullet in his leg." running out of my room, i start pressing buttons and turn the security systems off.

"who? repeat for me, i couldn't hear you."

"lucas, i've got lucas. he has a bullet in his left leg and a through and through in his arm from what we see, and he isn't talking to us anymore," rome repeats. i hear the car skid, probably turning a corner.

"okay, i'll open the doors. you won't need to do security. listen carefully, put reds in alpha, beta, delta, and charlie. yellows and some greens will help each other out upstairs but i need osaka and madrid to be with me, and i need honolulu if he can handle it. i gave them some medical training. is that clear rome?" i ask and reach a set of elevators. "rome?" i call out, pressing the "down" button. the doors slide open and i walk into the cage and press the "one" button. "rome, answer me please."

"GOD, THIS FUCKING HURTS!" i hear nice scream and put my phone on speaker phone.

the elevator doors close and the cage starts moving, "yea, yea, got it. sorry, the kid is making me scared with him on the wheel," rome replies with heavy breathes. "lucas? lucas? can you hear me? come on man, wake up!"

"rome, there should be medicine in the car somewhere. i gave some to osaka and told him to put them in your cars," i mention. "there should be a tubes with either blue or white buttons. give hong kong the one with the blue button and give nice the one with the white one for the pain." the elevator doors open and i start sliding room doors open, stopping in room echo to gather more supplies.

"hey! i found the meds! they're up here!" i hear toronto shout. i start moving supplies to different rooms and start turning on the machines with my tablet.

"pass it back here," rome requests.

"what's your eta boys?" i ask, unlocking a cabinet with medicine in room beta.

"with jisung being a decent driver and flooring it, four minutes," i hear barcelona answer.

"okay, thank you. i'll see you boys in a few." i say, "don't get killed." i hang up and throw my bag with my phone into a room. i go into room charlie and unlock the medicine cabinet.

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