Chapter 6: Threats & Deaths

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The note Christine gave me.

I unfold it and started reading.

'I told you to stay away from him. Harry is MINE.'

Who the fuck does she think she is?

I fold the note and put it in the backpack, I was going to show Louis and ask what I should do tomorrow.

I went back downstairs to see where everyone is.

"Mom.. Grandma? Anyone?"

I go upstairs up to my mothers room. Before I enter, I hear crying.

"Mom? Are you Ok?"

"Oh hunny, I didn't hear you come in. How's school?"

Should I tell her about Harry?

"It's good, I met some new friends." Bringing a smile on her face.

"Mom, why are you crying?"

She wiped some tears away and looked at me right in the eyes.

She took a moment before speaking.

"Samantha, the reason I haven't been paying much attention to you is because my boss fired 3 people. Which means I have to work extra hours which is very stressful for me. I was so thankful for Grandma to come over so she can help you you know with food, classwork, and general

things. Your Grandma yesterday, noticed that I was very stressed so she offered to go to the grocery store to get some dinner. I told her no and I will but she refused and left. I tried calling you yesterday but you didn't answer, I figured you were at school or at Taylor's. Later, at about 6 pm, I got a call from the paramedics telling me that Grandma got in an accident. I told her not to go and it crushed my heart. I couldn't tell you yesterday because I wouldn't be able to, so now I decided to tell you because it's time. Grandma passed away. I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I shouldn't of have let her leave, especially in the raining weather last night!"

My mom broke down and cried into my lap. I couldn't believe what I was hearing! My grandma.. died? This couldn't be happening.

I was with Harry last night.

I broken down and cried with her. We talked about the memories we had with grandma and cried and smiled at the memories. We talked for at least 3 hours.

"Do you want Chinese Takeout?"

"Yes please."

I didn't want to leave the comfort of my mom, she got up to pick up the phone and dial.

30 minutes later Chinese came.

My mother and I sat around the tv, eating and watching soap operas.

My mind was going crazy with everything!

Harry, Zayn, Christine, and now my grandma'a death!

I couldn't handle it anymore an I cried again.

"Hunny, come here."

I laid in my mothers lap. It felt like I staid there for centuries. I never wanted to leave.


*The Next Morning.*

I most defiantly did not want to wake up. I fell asleep on the couch with my mom. I opened my eyes and checked my phone for the time.


1 new message.

Sexy Harry: Hey Babe! want me to pick up up again? :) xx.

I smiled at the thought of Harry.

To Sexy Harry: Sorry, but I'm not going to school today. Family issues. :( I'm too sad to go. :(

Seconds later I got a reply.

Sexy Harry: Why? what happened? :(

Before I could reply, a call came from Harry.

"Hello?" I answered dully.

"Babe, what's the matter? You're scaring me." He sounds worried.

"I just can't .. go to school today, sorry." I couldn't hold in my tears any longer.

"You're crying! oh no, everything's alright! I'm coming over." I hear him pick up his car keys.

"I love you." I hear Harry say.

I force a smile and say I loved him back.

20 minutes later.

*Knock, Knock.*

I force myself off the coach and I accidentally woke up my mother while doing so.

"Sorry, I have to answer the door."

She stretched and went to the kitchen.

I open up the door and see Harry holding a bouquet of red and pink roses with chocolates and a bear saying 'I Love You.'

It's like Valentine's Day! But I didn't mind. I hugged him and said thank you as we walked into the house.

My mom was surprised when she saw Harry walk through the door. Usually she didn't like random kids she didn't know to come into the house, but I don't think she cared this time because she knew I was upset.

"Mom, this is Harry. Harry, this is my mom."

They greeted each other as all of go over to the couch.

"Samantha, what's wrong?" Harry asked weakly.

I give my mom a sad look and she knew what I was saying.

My mom proceeded to speak.

She tells him everything and he understands.

He hugs me and then hugs my mom and tells us everything will be alright.

Harry didn't go to school either. My mom wasn't too happy about this but she knew I needed his support.

All day we watched soap operas, re-runs of 'Friends.', old cartoons, and any movies we could find.

Harry made us a nice lunch. It was simple but I thanked him.

My mom got warmed up to Harry. We still haven't told her that we're dating, but I think she had an idea.

Another hour went by and my mom is asleep on the couch. I asked Harry if he wanted to go upstairs and he agreed.

We walked into my room and sat on the bed. I couldn't hold in my tears when we got up there. I cried and cried as Harry played with my hair and told me everything is going to be alright.


*That Evening.*

"Babe, I got to get going, my parents are going to get worried. I love you."

He kissed my forehead and gave me a hug.

"I love you too. Thank you for today, I appreciate it."

"Anything for you."

We walk down the stairs and out the front door.

Harry turned around and kissed me. I feel our lips move together as we hold hands.

"See you tomorrow, love you." Harry said while walking to his car.

"Love you too!" I call out.

Harry look out of his car window and blew me a kiss. I "caught" it and smiled.

We wave at each other as I watch his car leave down the road.

How lucky am I to have such a wonderful boyfriend?

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