Chapter 2: Mysterious Looks & Notes

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I walk slower but still trying to pretend that I didn't hear Harry.


I turn around to see Harry acting like nothing happened.

"Hey, Harry."

I fake a smile, but luckily, he didn't notice.

"Can I walk you to biology?"

Why does he keep talking to me? I'm not special nor popular. He never talked to me before and it's strange how he keeps asking me to walk me to our classes.

".. You promised." He smiled, showing of his perfect dimples.


I did promise him..

"Are you alright? You seem different.."

Why am I acting different? It's not like we're dating or anything. Why am I so jealous of Harry kissing that girl.

"Oh no, I'm fine! I'm just tired."

It wasn't a total lie, I was really tired and luckily, Biology is the last class of the day.

"Me too."

He looked at me, smiled and kept walking.

We walked silently to our class and sat down next to each other. Some girls gave me disgusted looks and kept staring at us. Are girls getting jealous over me? Me? Samantha Walker who

never gets attention from people. I smile at this thought.. Surprisingly, I liked the thought of girls getting jealous over me.

Throughout the whole class period, I kept taking glances at the clock.

30 minutes left.

I just want to go home. Today has been a tiring, long, strange day and I have to think to myself about what's going on.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see a girl with long blonde hair and way too much foundation on her face look at me. She hands me a note and I turn around to read it.

'Are you dating Harry?' the note read.

I quickly write down no. I turn around and hand her back the note. Seconds later, the note came back to me saying 'Good, because he's mine.'

Well, I didn't know girls had "Dibs" on guys. I've never seen this girl before. Is she Harry's ex? Is she currently dating Harry? That would be odd after being with Harry all day, so I got rid of that possible reason. She could have a crush on Harry and she thinks that Harry is going to fall madly in love with her.. That could be it.

I look up at the time. 10 minutes left. This class is quick! It must be my all I the thinking I'm doing about Harry.

I still can't get rid of the thought of him kissing that girl. Am I getting feelings for him and that's the reason why I can't get rid of the thought? Why do I even like Harry? He's the kind of guy that can ditch a girl in a week! Yeah, he can be fun to talk to at times, but dating is different.

There's nothing wrong with being his friend..

*Ring, Ring, Ring.*


"I'll talk to you tomorrow, Samantha." Harry said as he quickly rushed out of the classroom.

I like talking to him, even though we barely got into a deep conversation. You could call this small talk. It made me feel like he was more than just a player-friend wise. There's still that girl he was kissing in the halls.. It was probably his girlfriend, or maybe not. If it was his girlfriend, he would be around her all day and not me..

I walk to my locker, grab my books and start walking home.

If this was the first day of school, I can't wait for the whole year to bring. I thought to myself.. I smile. He's different from other guys, mysterious, charming, good looking, funny.. Stop it, Samantha! I can't help myself, he's Harry Styles!

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